

Messages through Julia (2002)

Message on January 1, 2002

At about 10 a.m., I was praying together with several helpers under the Crucifix on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain. I prayed that, with the Precious Blood from Jesus’ Seven Wounds and the tears and tears of blood shed by the Blessed Mother, our souls and bodies that have become dirty with stains be washed and cleaned and that any blockages within us be opened so that we may work as humble instruments for the glory of God and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with healthy souls and bodies.

The Crucifix on the Blessed Mother's mountain in Naju

I also prayed for graces upon the children who were not there but had been called by the love and graces from the Lord and the Blessed Mother and for equal graces for those who were against us. When I touched Jesus’ feet with my hands, I saw a drop of blood formed on the middle toe on His right foot, which seemed about to fall at any moment. I was surprised and screamed, “Ah!” As I was looking up from under the Lord’s feet, the drop of blood dripped down toward my mouth, changing into the Eucharist. I was surprised and screamed again. I was wearing a flu mask because of the cold and windy weather, but Jesus in the Eucharist went through the mask and landed on my tongue. At that moment, I heard the kind and love-filled voice of Jesus.


Oh, Oh, My beloved little soul! This is the heavenly food that I give you in order to completely pour down the totality of My Love upon you. Make haste and receive and consume It.

This all happened in the blink of an eye. My right middle finger was stained with fresh blood. I must have touched the Lord’s Blood when I touched His feet. A man who was near me said that he also saw the blood on the Lord’s toe and thought that I was trying to wipe away the blood from the Lord’s toe with my finger.

Glory, praise, thanksgiving, and adoration to the Lord forever and ever. Amen!

Message on January 3, 2002

In order to make reparation for at least a little bit of the insults that Jesus has received, I meditated and prayed at the Stations of the Cross on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain together with several helpers.

When we reached the Second Station, one of the helpers prayed, “. . . Jesus! It has already been too hard for Julia, suffering various kinds of pains day after day. She is also unable to sleep because of pains. Because she sweats so heavily from suffering at night, she has to change pajamas eight or nine times every night. Jesus! I wish that she could get some sleep even for a little while without suffering.”

Upon hearing his prayer, I immediately prayed, “Oh, Oh, Jesus! To me all these are joyful pains. Every time I change my sweat-soaked pajamas, I pray that all the bad things in the souls in the world be removed, and offer up my pains as sacrifices and reparations. These are pains that carry hope. I am Yours, if I live. I am Yours, if I die. Use me as the Lord wishes; Your Will be done.” At that moment, I heard the loving voice of the Blessed Mother.


Yes, that is it. My lovable little soul who finds happiness even in suffering pains! Your sleep is disturbed by having to change your sweat-soaked clothes, but my Son Jesus and I are comforted in your heart which graciously offers up the pains that you suffer all night as penance for the sins committed by the pleasure-seekers, who indulge in all kinds of obscene conduct at night and resort to abortions which follow, and as sacrifices and reparations to mend the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus and my Immaculate Heart that have become torn.

My beloved little baby! The pains that you suffer are extreme, because souls are needed who offer up sacrifices and reparations to save even one more soul, as too many children in the world, male and female, old and young, give themselves up to pleasure, commit sins of obscenity, sink thus unceasingly into the swamp of evil, a snare laid by the devils, become buried in it, and become slaves of sin.

My beloved daughter! Your sacrifices and penances are reparations for the sins of obscenity and the sins against chastity that are committed at night, and will help the graces of repentance flow into those who commit these sins. Therefore, offer up the pains given to you more graciously.

My little souls who are trying to participate in my beloved daughter’s suffering! Through the prayers, sacrifices and reparations that you, who have been invited as little souls, offer up devotedly and in unity, in the joy of uniting with the Saints, my burning Immaculate Heart will surely triumph.

When we were at the Twelfth Station, my heart was pounding rapidly, and I felt a squeezing pain in my chest. The pain was so severe that I could hardly breathe. Unable to move, I clenched my chest with my hands and groaned lying on the ground. At that time, (I saw a vision of) a Roman soldier piercing Jesus’ side with a spear to confirm His death. At the same moment, I felt an extreme pain of being pierced in my side by a spear. Then, the Blessed Mother resumed speaking.


My beloved daughter! The sins of obscenity which the children in the world commit by seeking pleasure occur not only at night but indiscriminately day and night, which gives gifts of joy to the devils. They are unable to pull themselves out of the illusion that makes them think that evil is good, and are rushing toward eternal death. This deplorable world has finally reached such a shocking stage. Oh, my pitiable children! If they face death without repentance, God’s stern judgment alone will be waiting for them. . .

However, keeping in mind that the Lord is giving you one more chance for repentance, because He loves you so much, give thanks at every moment and do not abandon even those souls, who received graces but turned away from them. Instead, make haste to offer up prayers, sacrifices and reparations more humbly for their return. Thus, permanently connect your consecrated lives to the Paschal Mystery by turning your lives into prayers.

All my beloved children in the world! All humans are destined to die because of Adam’s sin, but, if even the most wicked sinners open widely the doors of their hearts, repent, approach (the Lord and me) as sinners, and ask for forgiveness, they will not be asked questions about their past but will be blessed. They will obtain the Tree of Eternal Life thanks to my Son Jesus Christ and sing the Lord’s glory at the heavenly banquet filled with joy, love and peace.

Message on January 5, 2002

— First Saturday

I was doing the Stations of the Cross on the Blessed Mother’s mountain, meditating on the unlimited love of Jesus Who climbed Mt. Calvary carrying the Cross in silence and with love despite the cruel pains which were beyond human imagination. When I was thinking about how painful it must have been to Him moment after moment as He also had a human body, I could not stop weeping.

At the Seventh Station where Jesus fell the second time, I saw a vision of a Roman soldier striking Jesus on His left cheek (the left cheekbone right under the eye) mercilessly with his ringed fist.

At that moment, another soldier kicked Jesus violently as if trying to outdo the first soldier. Simultaneously, I suffered the pains that the Roman soldiers inflicted upon Jesus with their acts of desecration and instantaneously tumbled several times on the ground.

A while later when I regained consciousness, I realized that there actually was a large cut on my left cheek. As the pain was particularly severe, I understood that Jesus was beaten repeatedly on the same wound on His face.

At the Ninth Station, Jesus was able to stand up with a great difficulty and only after several unsuccessful efforts, without anyone’s help, as He had already lost most of His energy. After Jesus stood up, a Roman soldier resumed whipping and cruelly kicking Him as if to ridicule Him. It was a scene that one could not look at with open eyes. At that moment, I participated in the pains that Jesus suffered. As I was being cruelly whipped and kicked, I fell down and tumbled on the ground.

At the Tenth Station, many people were ridiculing Jesus with all kinds of insults and curses, frequently striking Jesus’ body. Every time they struck and ridiculed Jesus from all directions, my body was also shaken. When they hit Jesus harder, my body was shaken more violently.

At the Twelfth Station, I saw a vision of Jesus breathing His last on the Cross and a Roman soldier piercing the Lord’s right side with a spear. At the same moment, a spear pierced my side and penetrated my heart. This occurred instantaneously and was accompanied with a truly incredible pain. I screamed loudly “Aak!” and fell backward. At that moment, Jesus stretched out His arms and bestowed light upon all of us. I said loudly, “Receive the light!” The light that poured out of Jesus’ both hands was shining upon everyone’s head. Seconds later, the light turned into drops of blood and dripped upon everyone’s head. Then, I heard the loving, kind, and beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother.


My beloved daughter! My lovable daughter who finds happiness in suffering pains because you want to become a handkerchief of love to wipe away my Son Jesus’ blood and sweat and my tears of blood, become pliers of love to pull out nails from my Son’s Sacred Heart and my Immaculate Heart, and become a tailor to mend the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart which have been torn! Your bloody pains will not be fruitless, and, through the sacrifices and reparations that you (plural) offer up, many souls will receive the grace of repentance. Therefore, become a net of even greater love and go forward doing your best in a heroic way in response to my wish to save all the children in the world.

Message on January 6, 2002

Today is the great feast day of the Epiphany commemorating the public manifestation and worship of the Lord. However, I could not go to church, because I had to obey the Pastor. Instead, we did the Liturgy of the Word in my home, meditating on the sublime and humble Love of the Lord Who is the same as God the Father in substance and yet did not mind lying down in a humble stable instead of a golden throne. While we were meditating and praying, I heard the loving voice of the Lord.


My beloved little soul! My pitiable little child who meditates more deeply on the Paschal Mystery of the Last Supper and ardently longs to be united with Me while participating in the Liturgy of the Word, entrusting everything to the Will of God like My Mother who said "Fiat" in a simple way, only with humility and obedience, without paying attention to the eyes of the world and any of the criticizing words, and without calculating or weighing with human considerations!

Because you turn to Me and rely on Me completely through My Mother with total trust in Me, you do not complain while participating in the Liturgy of the Word but find joy in doing it. I dwell in your such beautiful heart, well adorned with your unconditional love and total faith.

For this reason, today as I am going to have St. Michael the Archangel bring the Eucharist, which you long for so ardently and hold so dearly, from a tabernacle and give It to you as My gift, become united with Me more intimately.

At that moment, a very powerful light poured down from above. When I looked up, two Sacred Hosts were coming down enwrapped in the light. I tried to catch the Sacred Hosts before they fell to the floor, but the two Sacred Hosts landed on a little table with a candlelight, which was used as a makeshift altar for the Liturgy of the Word. They were placed separately from each other on the table. At that time, Jesus resumed speaking.


My beloved little soul! I will always be with you (plural) in order to unite to My Love your fervent love, with which you joyfully sing the Paschal Mystery of the Last Supper, with your hearts in total union with Me while doing the Liturgy of the Word.

When Jesus finished speaking, the Blessed Mother spoke with a loving, kind voice.


My children who have been called to be my helpers!

Did you see this world which is situated in misery? In this age when numerous children in this world commit all kinds of sins by offending God and desecrating what is His countless times, this world has truly reached a shocking stage.

Many of the clergy, who are supposed to form a complete unity with the Pope whom the Lord personally chose and installed, have become infected by the modern theology and errors, are compromising with the world, are proudly disguising errors as the truth in the name of the teaching authority of the Church, and are spreading malignant false rumors instead of obeying and uniting with the Pope. For this reason, the Pope is suffering the pains of Calvary in a lonesome way.

That is not all! All over the world, how numerous are heretics and false prophets who are driving the Holy Catholic Church into a whirlpool of confusion with cunning deceptions using my Son Jesus' name and mine... The Hearts of my Son Jesus and me, as We watch all this, are becoming active volcanoes spewing violent flames.

There is no time to hesitate or procrastinate any longer. Numerous children in the world who are blind and deaf rush unceasingly on the road to hell, but with His infinite Love, which is so deep, high and wide, God does not want even one soul to be deserted. Therefore, make haste, keeping deeply in your mind that God has entrusted a very important task to you with this Love in order to reform them.

The cunning devils, who know very well about the importance of this task entrusted to you who have been specially chosen, will try all kinds of methods to interfere with you who have been called as the helpers in my work of salvation, but do not have any fear. Through my invisible presence, I will help you. And, with your help, I will resurrect freshly even those places which have been destroyed by Satan. My Immaculate Heart will surely triumph.

Message on January 18, 2002 (1)

I was completely exhausted from suffering extreme pains, unable to say even the Our Father, but barely managed to do the Stations of the Cross on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, meditating on the pains that the Lord suffered. When we reached the Ninth Station, however, I felt a substantial improvement in my condition while I was praying with my eyes closed. We were very surprised, because, until just a few moments earlier, it had been so hard for me to move my body as if I had been beaten up with an iron club. It was about 9:30 a.m.

There were many fresh blood marks on the paved areas on the Way of the Cross (constructed for the handicapped). At the Twelfth Station, we saw fresh blood marks scattered all over on the ground. There also were splash marks made when the blood dripped on the ground. We found fresh blood marks all the way from the Seventh Station to the Thirteenth Station.

We climbed Station after Station, looking around attentively. When we paused at the Seventh Station for brief meditation, I saw a vision. Whenever people in the world committed sins, Jesus was crucified again and the crown of thorns pressed down harder on His head causing more bleeding. His Sacred Heart was also becoming torn apart and was bleeding. The Blessed Mother was watching all this, shedding tears of blood for pains of her Heart becoming torn apart. She spoke lovingly and gently.


My beloved daughter! Your Lord and I Who listen to the sounds of your fervent prayers which you offer up every day to help carry the Lord’s Cross receive great consolation.

I prayed fervently, screaming in my heart, “Oh, my Mother, my Mommy! What can I not do, if my feeble and meager prayers can be of some comfort to the Lord? As I am the Lord’s if I die and I am the Lord’s if I live, let me become a faithful instrument according to the Lord’s Will.”

I barely finished my prayer, when, following a sudden sound of whipping, I fell down on the ground covered with rocks and began rolling down. I was happy, because I could participate in even a little of the Lord’s sufferings. (Later, those who were praying with me said that I rolled down about twelve times.) Then, I heard the Lord’s voice.


My beloved little soul! My lovable baby who finds joy in suffering pains for Me and My Mother and for the conversion of sinners! Many souls will repent through the pains that you suffer in union with My Mother in My transcending Love. How can I not be with you, when you are always with My Mother like this? How can I not listen to the sounds of the prayers that you offer up?

This place is the Way of the Cross, which I personally walk shedding blood together with you. Therefore, if all those who walk this Way of the Cross open the doors of their hearts widely, desire sincerely to be united with Me, and pray participating in the pains that I suffered, they will meet Me and receive spiritual and physical healings.

All the beloved children in the world! Even at this hour, when two thousand years have passed, I am coming to you, shedding blood like this, in order to be with you. Do not regret on the last day after having been attached to and having compromised with the things of the world and the flesh which will decay and pass away, but make haste to rush toward Me through My Mother, arm yourselves with the messages which My Mother and I have been giving you for your repentance, repeating the same words again and again, and inherit Heaven which has been earned through the immeasurable pains of the Cross.

Message on January 18, 2002 (2)

On November 9, 2001, when we were doing the Stations of the Cross on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, the Blessed Mother said, “I am listening to the sounds of fervent prayers that you offer up on the Way of the Cross, and am walking with you, shedding tears of blood at the side of My Son Jesus, Who is shedding blood and is with you,” and gave us the Lord’s Precious Blood and her tears of blood on the Way of the Cross between the Third Station and the Fifteenth Station, which was such a miserable, heart-breaking scene.

Today again Jesus and the Blessed Mother gave us the Precious Blood, tears, and tears of blood between the Seventh Station and the Thirteenth Station. Many pilgrims saw the fresh blood marks scattered on the Way of the Cross, were very surprised by this miserable scene, and cried loudly. The time when we found the blood marks today was about 9:30 a.m., when we were doing the Stations of the Cross. At about 5 p.m., we went back to the Blessed Mother’s Mountain to collect the blood-stained rocks. When we reached the Twelfth Station at about 5:20 p.m. I saw fresh blood coming down again. More than ten among the pilgrims who were there also saw it. Many were kneeling and crying loudly. Then, I heard the loving, kind voice of the Blessed Mother.

Julia (second from left) and other pilgrims examining rocks stained with Blood


My beloved daughter! And all the children in the world who have been called! Make haste to wake up and come closer, as my Son Jesus and I are personally coming to you to save your sick souls by washing and wiping away all your mistakes and filthy dirt and opening what has been clogged, with the Precious Blood flowing out of my Son’s Five Wounds, His wounds made by the crown of thorns, and His burning Sacred Heart; the tears and tears of blood that I shed; and the streams of water of mercy.

The Lord has already told you: “He who loves Me shall be loved by My Father; and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him.”* Have I not told you that the signs coming down from Heaven are the Mysteries of Salvation? And until now your Lord and I have manifested Our Presence in various ways, showed various signs again and again, and spoken countless words repeatedly, but even most of the clergy, whose duty is to make the Lord known, are turning their eyes away from them (the signs and messages), pretending not to know about them, with their hearts closed and ironclad with silence instead of speaking the truth, because of face-saving and others’ eyes. For this reason, numerous souls are losing their sense of direction and are walking toward hell. As the signs (of the blood that descended on the Way of the Cross) have been shown to save these souls, be more awake and pray so that many souls may receive the grace of repentance.

All the children in the world! The time of chastisement is drawing very near. By making haste to repent, offering up sacrifices and reparations, and living a consecrated life, strive hard to be saved. As today a sign of that love, with which the Lord has given Himself up for you unsparingly because He loves you all so much, has been given to you in your presence, at least you who have been called should display the power of love more diligently and, in unity attained through a complete dissolution within me, offer up reparations for the most horrible sins of blasphemy. Then, the time of chastisement will turn into irresistible love and blessing. That is because your God Who is in Heaven is not the God of bondage but Love Itself.

My beloved children who have been called! As you always believe, follow, and make my Son Jesus and me known, We will protect and accompany you at your side and will defend and protect you even when strong winds and angry waves threaten to sweep you away. Thus, your tears and sighs will turn into joy.

However, if the children in the world do not accept the Lord’s and my words and turn their faces away from them to the end, there will be nothing that I can do at that time.

Therefore, become a starting engine that refreshes the hearts of the children in the world who have become mired in all kinds of sins, and make known to everyone the Lord’s and my Love which transcends time and space. By doing so, come aboard Mary’s Ark of Salvation, reach Heaven, and possess the Tree of Eternal Life.

* John 14:21

Message on January 27, 2002

While I was doing the Stations of the Cross on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, I meditated deeply in my heart on the pains that Jesus suffered. After He was beaten numerous times and His whole body became torn and covered with blood, Jesus climbed the hilly road to Calvary, carrying not only the heavy Cross but the sins of the whole human race. Because He had to totally abandon Himself so that the Will of God the Father might be accomplished and all the glory might be given to the Father, He could not even console His Mother who was weeping and following Him. I climbed the Way of the Cross one Station after another, meditating on Jesus’ Heart filled with sorrows.

While we were at the Eleventh Station, one of the pilgrims prayed, “Jesus! Until now I have been crucifying Jesus and the Blessed Mother numerous times by living in sins. However, from now on, I will abandon the hammer with which I have been crucifying Jesus and the Blessed Mother, and will become a pair of pliers to pull out the numerous nails that I have been driving (into Them).” While he was praying, a drop of the Lord’s Precious Blood suddenly came down from above making a clearly audible sound when it hit the ground. I was so surprised that I cried out, “Oh, my!” A man who was standing near me also saw the Blood and shouted, “Oh, it is blood!” At that moment, I heard the voice of Jesus:


My beloved children who have been called! How can I not love you who are confessing that you are sinners and are rushing toward Me? The reason why I am revealing My Love even by shedding blood for you is to wash away your sins thoroughly and perform a transfusion. This is a testimony of my intense Love for all of you and is the Blood of the Covenant. For now everything may seem vague, but, in the not-too-distant future, you will clearly understand how important are the graces which I am bestowing upon you. Therefore, become more awake and pray, and, with a heroic loyalty, accomplish the mission that has been entrusted to you.

My beloved little soul! In order to reward your prayers filled with your sincere love and tears, offered day after day, I open My Sacred Heart and send down blessings upon you.

Jesus gave us His Precious Blood at the Ninth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Stations.

Message on February 2, 2002

I prayed together with several helpers on the Blessed Mother’s mountain, meditating deeply on the Way of the Cross that Jesus walked.

At the Seventh Station, where I was praying and meditating on the pains that Jesus suffered when He fell the second time, one of the men prayed, “Thank you, Lord, for allowing us, who are unworthy and weak, to know even a little about how severe the numerous pains that the Lord suffered were, by letting Julia participate in some of the Lord’s immeasurable pains of the Cross…” He barely finished his prayer, when there were some whispering sounds behind us which were almost inaudible: “We are losing souls, which we won after great difficulties, because of the prayers by this wretched woman. Kill her, our deadly enemy, by making her head be crushed on rocks.” Immediately, several demons struck me hard on the back of my head. They kicked, lifted, and threw me so that my head might hit rocks. At that moment, the Blessed Mother came down from Heaven like lightning, with her mantle stretched out, and snatched me away, preventing me from hitting rocks.

Holding my aching neck and head with my hands, I said, “Thank you, Mother. I offer up these pains for the conversion of sinners. Help me, a sinner, and many souls repent and become the tailors of love who mend the Lord’s torn Sacred Heart, the handkerchiefs of love which wipe away Jesus’ blood and sweat and the Blessed Mother’s tears of blood, and the pliers of love which pull out the thorns and nails that we drove into the Lord by committing sins. Glory to the Lord and praise and consolation to the Blessed Mother! Let our gratitude never dry up. Amen.”

As I was offering up completely the pains caused by the devils, my aching neck and head were completely healed. At the same time, I heard the sweet, kind, and loving voice of the Blessed Mother.


Yes. Thank you, my beloved daughter! And my beloved children who responded to my call with "Amen"! My Son Jesus and I are with you again today in order to unite with your prayers filled with love and offered up to participate in my Son Jesus’ sufferings, totally consecrating your precious time for the conversion of sinners and meditating on the Mystery of Salvation that was obtained through my Son Jesus’ immeasurable pains on the Cross.

The devils, who know well that, through your fervent prayers, the eyes and ears of the spiritually blind and deaf are opened and the graces flow into numerous souls, are fuming with anger and are trying to knock you down by mobilizing all the available means, but I will always guard you and protect you from them.

In this age when Satan is trying to conquer the whole world, the prayers that you, the little souls, offer up every day in order to participate in the pains of Calvary which the Lord suffered become consolations that make up for the death agony that your Lord suffered at Gethsemane and the sorrows and pains that He suffered when He was deserted by His disciples whom He loved so much.

Also, the prayers that you offer up earnestly every day, participating in the Lord’s Passion, become penances for the sins that numerous children commit, perpetrating God’s sacred dignity. The prayers and sacrifices offered up for the conversion of sinners become sacrificial offerings in reparation for even other souls’ sins. The Lord and I receive much consolation as they are offered on the altar of God’s Justice.

For this reason, today I offered up your souls again on the altar of the Lord’s burning Sacred Heart, as I offered up the Baby Jesus in the temple.

All my beloved children in the world! When you desire to follow me like innocent children, I will bathe you with streams of the water of mercy, nurture you with my spiritual milk, and take you to the Lord. Also, I will let you grow spiritually through the sincere prayers that you offer earnestly with your whole heart on this Way of the Cross where I walk with my Son Jesus, bleeding with Him. The Lord will also bathe your souls and bodies with His Sacred Blood and give you the plenary indulgence. Rather, He promised to give it to you.

Therefore, rush toward me as humble, little souls, meditating deeply on the sinless Lord’s sufferings on the Cross and always confessing that you are unworthy sinners.

My beloved children who have been called! This world has already become pitch-dark. Because numerous souls have become spiritually blind and deaf, have lost their sense of direction, and are wandering in darkness, I have shown so many miracles and signs and screamed again and again until my throat begins bleeding, to follow God’s Will that no soul be left abandoned and all be saved and obtain the tree of eternal life. Even so, they do not understand and continue to walk on the road to hell. Even my children who have been called to Heaven do not practice self-renunciation—let alone achieve unity—persist in their self-will until the end, and repeatedly make themselves deserving of purgatory and hell. As God’s response will be stern, the calamity of the flames of justice will be unavoidable. How can a safe tomorrow be promised?

Therefore, at least you, who have been called and know that the time of God the Father’s judgment is drawing near, should live a consecrated life with prayers, sacrifices, and reparations and strive hard to turn your lives at every moment into prayers so that the time (of chastisement) may turn into blessings.

Also, the new light of graces will be bestowed on all of you who live a consecrated life for the Lord and me and for the conversion of sinners. Offer up graciously even the pains that cause bleeding inside (you) and all the pains that you experience in this world where you stay for a while and leave, as, on the last day, the gate of Heaven will open widely for you; the glorious crown of flowers, which accompany eternal happiness, will be given to you; and you will stand beside me.

In this age which is situated in misery, among the children who are as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the beach, those who draw closer to me as little souls, truly entrusting themselves to me, are extremely few. However, as I join in your devotion today, I am shedding tears of joy, seeing your most sincere love and devotion.

My beloved little souls! Your Lord Who is the way, the truth, and the life blesses you with His unlimited love today.

When the Blessed Mother ended speaking, I was still weeping and praying prostrate on the ground. Suddenly, I heard a sound of something falling. When I looked, it was seven drops of tears. A while later twelve more drops of tears fell. I also realized that the pains in my head and neck were all gone. Glory and praise to the Lord and consolation to the Blessed Mother! Amen.

Message on March 28, 2002

Spiritually participating in the pains that the Lord suffered miserably and in loneliness at Gethsemane and Calvary after having been deserted by all, I prayed on the Way of the Cross on the Blessed Mother’s mountain.

While I was praying on my knees at the Eleventh Station, I could not control my tears, thinking about the extreme pains that Jesus suffered when He was nailed to the Cross. He suffered the cruel pains of His live flesh being pierced. With His infinite Love, which is high, deep, and wide, the Lord offered up His whole body, only urging the conversion of sinners even in the midst of all kinds of contempt, maltreatment, and insults by His beloved children. I was choking with sobs.

“Oh, Jesus Who is Love Itself, my Beloved! What are we, humans, whom the Lord loves so much?” While crying and thanking the Lord for His amazing love, I prayed especially for the sanctification of priests and the conversion of sinners, thinking of this blessed day which the Lord chose as the day of priesthood and on which He sealed a covenant (with us) by establishing the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy Orders. I also prayed earnestly that Jesus, the Teacher Who totally offered Himself up, bestow the same love upon all the children in the sick world of this age that He bestowed upon His disciples at the Last Supper. Suddenly at that moment, I fell back on the ground screaming for intense pains of my head being pressed down with a crown of thorns and both of my hands, both of my feet and my side being pierced. While I was groaning with extreme pains, a powerful light radiated from the sky, and the Lord and the Blessed Mother came down escorted by angels.

I could not see clearly because of the bright light, but knew that the Lord was making the Sign of the Cross on my forehead with His finger. Because I smelled a powerful fragrance of roses, I looked at the Blessed Mother and saw her exuding fragrant oil. Momentarily, I remembered the message that the Blessed Mother gave us on April 8, 1993, Holy Thursday, exuding fragrant oil, and thought: “Oh, the Blessed Mother is again manifesting to us her presence, love and friendship by squeezing her whole body to give us this fragrant oil on this day of priesthood which commemorates the Last Supper.” At that moment, the Blessed Mother began speaking gently with a loving and kind voice.


Yes, my beloved daughter! Thank you. My Son Jesus and I, Who are listening to the sounds of your prayers filled with love and sincerity, are greatly consoled by the sacrifices and reparations that you offer up for the conversion of sinners. Therefore, I intend to rescue from the chains of perishment all those who come to this place, by washing their souls and bodies with the fragrant oil that I gave you by squeezing my whole body, manifesting the burning love in my Immaculate Heart.

All my beloved children in the world! As God saved many of the Israelites in the wilderness by lifting up high a bronze serpent through Moses, my Son Jesus and I intend to save many people with the immeasurable merits of His suffering on the Cross and the burning love in my Immaculate Heart by accompanying you on this Way of the Cross, shedding blood, as you meditate on the Lord’s Passion and pray for the conversion of sinners, offering up your utmost devotion in this age situated in danger. Therefore, I wish that the following words by the Lord: “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; and knock and it will be opened to you,” will be fully realized to you through your sincere and earnest prayers.

My beloved children! How can you even imagine what kind of pains I received when my extremely beloved Son Jesus was nailed to the Cross and died? What a pain it was when the crowds, who had been so heartily cheering my Son Jesus, shouting, “Hosanna!” just three days before he was crucified, suddenly began screaming: “He is a criminal who deserves to die! Kill him! Crucify him!” That was not all. It was a bone-piercing pain when the Lord’s beloved disciples, who had intended to follow Him wherever He might go, turned their faces away from my Son Jesus. It was a pain of ingratitude and betrayal that became a sharp dagger, piercing my Heart deeply.

Furthermore, it was a gruesome pain for this Mother, unable even to look with open eyes, when my Son Jesus was walking on the terrible Way of the Cross to Calvary receiving all kinds of ridicules, with His body covered with blood from head to feet because of scourging, exhausted and worn out, and falling miserably with the Cross. It was a pain of my whole body becoming torn apart and all of its bones being crushed.

That was not all! The sounds of a hammer nailing my Son Jesus to the Cross gave me the pains of my whole body being hit with a hammer, and the spear piercing the side of the Lord hanging on the Cross caused me an extreme pain of my Heart being pierced and crushed.

I, who was the Mother but was unable to do anything before the miserable condition (of the Lord), walked the Way of Calvary, which Jesus had walked shedding blood, day after day after that day, praying earnestly to God the Father for the conversion of sinners. Even now, two thousand years later, I am still walking together with you.

Therefore, my children who have been called because I love you extremely! I wish that at least you, who are supposed to know the Lord and me, win victory over the devil, who distracts your minds, perpetuate the Paschal Mystery of the Last Supper and the Paschal Mystery of Resurrection, remain awake and pray by turning your life at every moment into prayers, display the power of love more vigorously, and offer up your total loyalty in heroic ways so that all may be saved, and thus gain Heaven.

Now, receive the encouragement, consolation, and blessing of love from the Lord Who has become your real father together with the blessing from me who is your real mother and thus enjoy exultation, love and peace.

When the Blessed Mother finished speaking, the Lord blessed us with His hands raised high, and the Blessed Mother also blessed us with her both hands stretched out. Then, the Lord and the Blessed Mother disappeared. Realizing that fragrant oil was still coming down, I screamed, “Fragrant oil is coming down!” Those who were near me stretched out their hands and received the fragrant oil. When I told them that Jesus made the Sign of the Cross on my forehead with His finger wet with fragrant oil, they brought a lantern closer to look at my forehead. They saw a shiny mark of the cross made with oil in the middle of my forehead.

Then, they helped me stand up, as I had been lying down. We were surprised again, when we saw large stains of fragrant oil at different places on the paved area at the Eleventh Station. All of us could smell a powerful fragrance of roses and shouted for joy. The fragrant oil stains were found from the Tenth Station to the Eleventh Station.

Glory be to the Lord and praise be to the Blessed Mother!

Message on June 11, 2002

I was struggling with pains, unable to sleep all night. Then, I was between being asleep and being awake and saw the Blessed Mother weeping sorrowfully on her mountain near Naju. Very surprised, I got up quickly and looked at the clock. It was 5 a.m. Realizing that the Blessed Mother was calling me to the mountain, I woke up a helper, and together we went to the mountain.

As I did whenever I came to the Blessed Mother’s mountain, I first prayed before the statue of Our Lord praying in Gethsemane. Then, I knelt, prayed and meditated at the place where the Eucharist, which I had received, had turned into visible Flesh and Blood in the shape of a heart during the Mass concelebrated by His Excellency Roman Danylak and two other priests on September 22, 1995. As I was vividly remembering what happened on that day, I thought that: “The Eucharist is the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Who is alive; pieces of flesh are being torn off from His Sacred Heart, which is burning with love, and He is giving them to us,” and prayed for the conversion of sinners and the sanctification of the clergy.

At that moment, I entered an ecstasy and saw numerous people who were turning their faces away from God and were in the state of sin. Especially, people, male and female, old and young, were unhesitatingly pursuing pleasure and committing sins of impurity. Every time they did so, the Sacred Heart of Jesus became torn apart into pieces. That was not all! Even some of the clergy and religious, who were supposed to be immersed in the Love of the Lord and make Him known, were not living according to the Lord’s Will but were indulged in pleasure, committing sins and making the Lord’s Sacred Heart become torn apart.

Furthermore, the children who had been called were not living according to the Lord’s Will, but were piercing His Sacred Heart with countless arrows. Because they were trying to become higher than others, joining forces with the devils of pride, jealousy, and envy, they were hating each other and getting angry with each other, and were even committing murders. The Lord’s whole body became covered with blood.

At that moment, I said to the Lord, “Lord! I am unworthy and weak, but wish to participate in Thy suffering even a little.” The Lord said, “Are you willing to suffer pains in reparation for what the sinners are doing?” I answered, “Yes, Lord, if it can be even a little consolation to the Lord and the Blessed Mother and help sinners repent.”

From that moment, I received the pains of being poked with an iron rod, the pains of being beaten with a club, the pains of being struck by rocks, and more. The pains in the lower part of my body in penance for the sins of impurity were indescribably severe. I almost lost consciousness. Then, the Lord, covered with blood, spoke with a sad, but loving, voice.


Thank you, my beloved, lovely little soul! Do not worry about anything as you have been interspersing my plans. My numerous children of this world, who are on the brink of ruin, are enwrapped with a huge storm and are faced with an extreme danger. As they have become spiritually blind and do not realize (the danger), My Mother has sent them ardent pleas by fully mobilizing many kinds of images and methods in order to save them. However, even many of the clergy and religious are wavering without principle instead of helping and protecting. They are even standing on the side of those who persecute Me and My Mother, and are interfering with the works that I and My Mother are doing. What else could this be than cruelty and cold-heartedness? Such cowardly and unreliable people are echoing what others are saying without knowing by themselves, and thus are clogging the Church. This (situation) is no different from an invisible grave. Even most of the children who have been called are unable to discern the cunning devil’s tricks and are moving farther away from God, committing all kinds of sins, indulging in sports and even enjoying obscene chatting on the internet, and are actually in the state of the sins of impurity, instead of becoming the apostles of the Sacred Heart who illuminate this world which has become pitch-dark. They have been tearing apart My Heart and My Mother’s into pieces, instead of repairing their wounds.

Then, Jesus opened up His Sacred Heart that had been torn apart into pieces, saying, “Now, look!” From His Heart, pieces of flesh and drops of blood fell down.

My beloved daughter! Now it is just before the descent of the punishment. That is why My Mother is tightly holding God the Father’s hand, which is lifted up high, holding the cup of wrath, imploring Him and asking Me with tears. That is why I have been urging the children in the world to repent by manifesting various kinds of signs in Naju, Korea, which I have never shown until now, for their salvation, but the children who have rushed to Me and My Mother have been extremely few.

Oh, my beloved sons and daughters who have been called! I have completely opened up My Sacred Heart and given up even the last drop of blood and water for your sake. For now, you may experience misunderstanding and persecution and become wounded in the divided Church while making Me and My Mother known, but remain awake and pray, not forgetting that My Mother and I are always with you at your side and offer up graciously even the pains of internal bleeding. And make greater efforts so that not only the children who have been called but all the children in the world may become completely dissolved in My Sacred Heart and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart, achieve unity as one as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are One, and arrive at sanctity.

Make it known to all that the shortcut to arriving at sanctity and achieving unity is to turn your lives into prayers, and go forward bravely with the wisdom and courage of the young David so that every soul without exception may be saved in the joy of forming harmony with the Saints.

My beloved little souls who have been called! Since a long time ago I have earnestly wished that Masses be celebrated at this place where My Mother is with you, but my request has been denied. However, you must remain awake and pray, as, before long, it will become known that I am really alive and breathing in the Eucharist and am present in It with My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

Even the children who are supposed to be close to Me and make Me known have turned their faces away from the words and signs that My Mother and I have been giving them and have forgotten the sublime simplicity of the Eucharist, which is My Substance, and of the Gospels, and are trying to explain Me with deceptive talks and complicated logic. Isn’t this like throwing mud at the simple people?

Now, all the beloved children in the world! Remembering that, because I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one can enter the Heavenly Kingdom without going through Me, offer up little flowers made of renunciations for the sake of the conversion of sinners, as Moses gave up his right to inherit the royal throne and Abraham gave up Isaac.

I will grant you whatever you ask truly for My sake, but perfunctory prayers cannot move My Father, My Mother, or Me. Now, as there is no more time to hesitate or procrastinate, make haste to combine your efforts and make a new start. Be loving even to those who have human faces and beastly hearts, as you would do to Me. If you join forces with the devil of division, you do not deserve to say that you truly know Me. Therefore, remain awake and pray at every moment so that you may not join forces with the devil of division. Make unceasing efforts to turn your lives into prayers and possess the fruits from the tree of eternal life. I bless you all with the love that is flaming up in My Sacred Heart.

When the Lord ended speaking, I could not see Him any more. Suddenly there was a strong dusty wind, and I struggled not to be swept away by it. Soon, light shined from the sky and the strong dusty wind stopped. I was surprised, because there was the Blessed Mother in the sky with a sun-like bright light around her head. The helper who was with me assisted me to sit up. A while later the light was not visible any longer. (It was a cloudy day.)

At that moment, the helper uttered, “Uh!” and went to the spot where a Eucharistic miracle had occurred on September 22, 1995. Suddenly, he shouted, “Ah! There are lots of fresh blood marks on the ground. It must have come down just now.” I went to that place also.

Oh! What a wondrous sign. . . There were fresh blood marks on the ground, around a table on which photographs of the Eucharistic miracle on September 22, 1995 were being displayed. Blood on some rocks was thick and moving as if breathing.

We were speechless before the Lord’s inestimable love and amazing mystery. We just sat down plump and cried. A while later, I tried to stand up and walk, but couldn’t. So, I crawled to a nearby restroom and realized that the lower part of my body was badly damaged; all over my body, there were poking marks, which were made with an iron rod, and many bruises; and the sides were very swollen. I felt extreme pains from the head to the toes. Nevertheless, I could smile with much joy, because I was allowed to participate in the Lord’s sufferings even a little and also because I thought that more sinners would repent as the Lord opened up His Heart and shed blood at the place where the Eucharist had turned into visible flesh and blood.

When I dipped my finger in the fresh Precious Blood, the Blood continued to pulsate, pulling my finger rhythmically and with some force, like a living person’s heart. At one moment, the Blood even splashed up. We counted the pulse in the Blood, and it was 87 times per minute. My pulse was 72. Pulses were different among those who were present (Some of them came to the mountain later). Especially when Julio, my husband, touched my finger, the Precious Blood on it momentarily splashed up even making a sound. Everyone who saw this was totally amazed.

Lord! Praise, thanksgiving, glory, and adoration to Thee! May our gratitude never dry up! Amen.

Message on June 30, 2002

At about 6 p.m., I was informed that Jesus of Mt. Calvary on the Blessed Mother’s mountain was weeping tears, and went to the mountain arriving there at about 7 p.m.

On the mountain, I saw Jesus on the Cross really shedding tears from His eyes and sweating from His whole body. There already were many people gathered, witnessing this amazing scene and shedding tears of repentance. Some of them were wailing loudly.

I wiped Jesus’ tears and sweat with cotton and collected His sweat flowing down to His toes in a small bottle. When a man saw this and said, “Isn’t this plain water?” the tears and sweat suddenly stopped flowing down. Instead, water began flowing from between the toes. This water kept flowing down, even though I wiped it repeatedly. I began praying silently:

“Oh, my Love, my Lord! You have already shed so much Precious Blood and even bloody water. Today, on the 17th anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s first weeping, are You squeezing Your whole body to give us even the last drop of water?

Oh, Jesus! Have mercy on all those who come to this Blessed Mother’s mountain by washing their souls and bodies and opening what has been clogged in them with the blood and water that You shed by squeezing Your whole body so that everyone without exception may achieve the victory of resurrection with the help of the grace of repentance and give glory to the Lord. Also, in addition to these people, send down the sweet rain of the Holy Spirit upon all those arid souls who are persecuting the Blessed Mother of Naju so that they may also become dissolved in the Lord’s Sacred Heart and the Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, become one in the Holy Trinity, and, in the joy of being in harmony with the Saints, achieve victory in the war against the three enemies (the devil, the body, and the world) and manifest the Lord’s glory.

Jesus, Who is Love! What can I, an unworthy, sinful woman, not do for You? I only pray that Your Will be done through this unworthy, sinful woman.” At that moment, I heard the Lord’s voice.


Are you willing to suffer pains for Me and My Mother and for the conversion of sinners?

I answered promptly: “Yes, I am so willing.” As soon as I answered, Jesus on the Crucifix resumed shedding His blood and water to the last drop for our sake. I also saw a vision in which the Lord and the Blessed Mother were bathing everyone’s soul and body with the Lord’s blood and water which He shed to the last drop and I was helping the Lord and the Blessed Mother at Their side.

At that moment, the devils, who had been watching from a distance, suddenly threw some object at me. I was hit hard on the back of my head and fell down forward screaming loudly. Many people who saw this were surprised. I was bleeding from my mouth and undergoing extreme pains, unable even to move my body. At that moment, I heard Jesus’ voice again.


My beloved little soul! Even My beloved apostles of My Sacred Heart, whom I have chosen from the entire creation, are not walking toward sanctity but, without true inner reforms and by packaging themselves with hypocrisy that decorates external appearances only, deceive their neighbors and fail to dodge the poisonous arrows of lust. Thus, under the control of the devil of division, they resort to contemptible acts in ingenious ways, rejecting one another with a collective selfishness and a lack of understanding, and inflicting wounds on one another’s souls in disgraceful ways. As I watch this, My Heart becomes immersed in deep sorrows and lamentation.

Furthermore, the priests, whom I have chosen and installed, have been given the duty to take charge of My Body and Blood in the Eucharist and to look after the herds of sheep entrusted to them with love by supplying nutrition to numerous souls so that they may grow spiritually, but a great majority of them do not realize the importance of the priesthood and do not work for the glory of My Father. Instead, they are complacent, thinking that they do not lack anything spiritually or secularly, which gives My Heart the pains of becoming torn apart into thousands and tens of thousands of pieces and turns It into an active volcano that spews out flames.

However, My beloved daughter, I am immensely consoled because of you, a little soul, who offers up unceasing sacrifices, reparations and prayers for all those clergy and religious in the world and the apostles of My Sacred Heart who have been chosen by Me but are going astray. Through your persevering love and devotion, I will revitalize those souls who have been getting destroyed gradually from within. That is why I am shedding even the last drop of My blood and water for the conversion of sinners.

All the children in the world who have been called! You must remember that the time of the judgment of justice is not far off, and must remain awake and pray at every moment. When you are not awake, the devils, who abound in the sky and on the earth, know well about the works entrusted to you, and keep their eyes on you waiting for every possible opportunity to topple you by catching you with a hook of temptation, will instigate you to become jealous and envious of one another and judgmental of one another by leading you to have an incorrect perception of the reality, and thus will cause you to disperse in all directions, eventually making you become estranged from My Love. Therefore, make haste to wake up and defeat the cunning devils.

Thus, by always staying awake and praying in the light of the Faith, and rushing toward Me through My Mother, repenting, show the signs of sanctity and make strenuous efforts to invite the numerous neighbors of yours in the world to the heavenly banquet so that they may also possess the tree of eternal life.

Oh, all My beloved children in the world! Wishing that all of you realize that I, together with My Mother, have given up everything, not keeping back anything, for your sake, and (wishing) that the whole world be saved, I am giving a boundless blessing to all of you who have come seeking Me and My Mother.

Message on July 9, 2002

Suffering pains for three days and unable to sleep at all since the day before yesterday, I offered up the pains for the sanctification of the clergy and religious and for the conversion of sinners. Having struggled with pains all night, I saw that it was already becoming bright outside the window. At about 7 a.m., when I was still in bed, praying and trying to get some sleep, I saw a vision of extremely miserable scenes. They were scenes at which I could not even look with my open eyes. They were so horrible beyond description.

People, male and female, old and young, were indulging in sins of impurity, unfolding scenes of sheer madness. It would be so embarrassing even to mention all sorts of obscene things that they were doing. How could I even list all of them? Various kinds of sins that they were committing with a pride that reached to the skies, reminiscent of the Tower of Babel, would throw one into total consternation.

Jesus and the Blessed Mother, Who were watching this, first shed tears, then bloody tears, and eventually tears of blood and bloody sweat. These tears of blood and bloody sweat were falling down, but seemed to be disappearing before reaching the ground. At the same time, I felt something dripping down on my forehead. I was surprised and quickly wiped my forehead with my hands, but I felt something continuing to drip down not only on my forehead but on my whole body. While I was wondering whether this was a physical reality or something spiritual, I heard the beautiful and kind voice of the Blessed Mother.


My beloved daughter, a little soul! My Son Jesus and I receive much consolation through the cups of reparation that you offer up with extreme love and sacrifice.
Daughter! Did you see clearly the condition of the children in the world? That is why, together with My Son Jesus, I have revealed the shortcut to Heaven, showing numerous signs through you, whom I chose in Naju, Korea, and repeating the same words again and again on so many days in order to save this world and all the children in the world. However, among all the children in the world, how many souls have indeed recognized and followed the words from me and my Son Jesus? Even the great majority of the clergy and religious whom I have chosen and my children who have been specially called and are supposed to know me and my Son Jesus have not been consoling the wounded Hearts of my Son Jesus and me by acting upon the messages that my Son Jesus and I have been giving them. Instead, they have become spiritually blind and deaf and remain obsessed by vain delusions and misguided spirituality. How can my Son Jesus and I not shed tears of blood and bloody sweat like this?

All the children in the world! The time of God’s judgment of justice is not far off. Therefore, now, do not procrastinate any longer, but make haste to repent, and, holding my hands tightly, let us go to my Son Jesus Who loves you so much.

Right now, the numerous children in the world, male and female, old and young, are unhesitatingly committing sins of obscenity, even concealing their social positions, and, in order to become higher, are trampling others, resorting to all kinds of means, and even committing murders. Even the children who have been called are fighting against each other like hungry demons to become higher than others. How overjoyed the devil of division would be, as he seeks to prevent people from forming unity, promote division among them, and make them disperse! Thus, the devils, who are so elated, approach you pretending friendliness and all kinds of good in order to promote division and bring about confusion. However, the numerous children in the world and even the great majority of the children chosen by me are following the false prophets. As I watch this, I feel so heavy in my Heart.

Those sounds of the self-appointed prophets using my name to dazzle the children in the world with false prophecies. . . Those false prophets spreading dreams and vain delusions as words from my Son Jesus and me. . . I and my Son Jesus have already told you through my daughter, a little soul, how to take the shortcut to Heaven by becoming simple and little souls like children. However, how blind and deaf you are, unable to see or hear and unable to discern!

Children! Should you remain unable to throw away useless curiosities, listening to vain dreams, false prophecies, and delusions, thus remain as empty heads of grain to the end, and, eventually, at the time of the Last Judgment, become thrown into the fire of sulfur that flames up vigorously? Make haste to have trust in the messages that my Son Jesus and I have been giving you, act upon them, and be saved.

This current age is mired in sins that are more evil than in the age of Sodom and Gomorrah and at the time of Noah and the Deluge, and thus is perpetrating offenses against God. For this reason, now, I want to plead with you with my last tears of blood.

Now, hurry up and come, all the children in the world! To you who draw closer to me, what can I not give? However, the great majority of the children have already alienated themselves from God. That is why my Son Jesus, your Redeemer, is shedding the blood and water from His torn Heart, without holding back even one drop, in order to save you, but how many souls are really repenting? God the Father, Who sees this and deplores it, is filled with wrath and is going to send down the chastisement soon.

All the children in the world who have been chosen! Realizing more clearly that the Precious Blood from the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus, which He shed completely, not sparing any, in order to save you, is the Lord’s immense Love, which is high, deep, and wide, become more grateful and make the Precious Blood on the Cross widely known.

That you may all be counted as good heads of grain on the day of God’s stern judgment when He separates weeds from wheat and that you may enjoy Heaven, do not squander any moment of your journey, whether it be short or long, but, displaying the power of love more vigorously, offer up graciously even the pains of internal bleeding.

Also, become the light that shines upon this darkened world which is situated in an extreme danger, and help those numerous souls, who are wandering in darkness and are being distracted to various things, come on board Mary’s Ark of Salvation so that they may also practice the messages of the combined Love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart.

If all the children in the world turn their lives into prayers and follow me, becoming more awake, praying, and offering up sacrifices and reparations so that they may not get off the Ark of Salvation which I have prepared, they will possess the tree of eternal life in the next world and enjoy eternal joy, love and peace at the Lord’s table.

After the Blessed Mother ended speaking, I felt something dripping down on my face, making sounds, and flowing down. Wondering if it was a spiritual phenomenon or a physical one, I pressed the button on the interphone. When a helper rushed into my room, she was very surprised and screamed, “Oh, no! How can this be?” She began crying. I asked her, “Is there something on my face?” but she could not say any words but was only crying. A while later, she said, “Blood! Blood! It is blood. . . ” She was not able to continue. Because I wanted to see it myself, I asked her, “Is there a mirror? Would you bring one?” She brought one. When I saw myself, I was also surprised. There were countless large and small blood marks on my face. Some of the blood marks were bright red and others were dark red. Not only my face but my pajamas were also densely stained with many marks of blood and bloody water. While several helpers were looking, five new clear, large blood marks appeared on my pajamas, on the upper rear right side of the pants.

Oh, Lord! Receive praise, gratitude, glory and worship from all the people in this world despite their unworthiness! Amen.

Message on August 2, 2002

I felt pains so severe, as if my whole body had been beaten with a heavy object, that I almost lost my bodily control and was unable to get any sleep for several days. I offered these pains up in reparation for the sins of obscenity being committed by numerous people, male and female, old and young, and indiscriminately of place and time, and for the conversion of those who commit these sins. At about 4 a.m., I saw a vision.

There was a wagon decorated with all kinds of dazzling ornaments. There were many people in it. Unlike the black appearances of those people in the wagon whom I saw in an earlier vision which the Blessed Mother showed me (August 25, 1989), these people who were in the wagon this time looked somewhat dark but had quite normal appearances. This means that the devils are now luring people in more cunning ways than before and, unless we are awake, it will be difficult for us to discern their true nature.

The cunning devils were mobilizing all the available means to get even one more soul on the wagon, not only from among the worldly people but also the children of the Church and even those who had been called. There were some souls who were fascinated by the beautiful appearance of the wagon and got on the wagon for curiosity, even without much effort by the devils.

However, what was more dumbfounding was that even those who were supposed to make the Lord known were joining hands with the devils in placing many souls in the wagon. It was a miserable scene that one could not even look at with open eyes.

When I saw this, I screamed loudly, “No! That wagon will take you to hell!” Then, I prayed earnestly, “Lord! Blessed Mother! Please help and save them!” At that moment, I heard the voice of Jesus, which had a loving but sorrowful tone, even though I could not see Him.


My beloved little soul! With a dead faith unaccompanied by works, they say with their lips that they love God and make Me and My Mother known, but instead are misusing their free will with pride and becoming wolves in sheep’s clothing, driving the herds of meek sheep to their death. Without knowing their true condition, they are mired in mud, unceasingly pursuing only their own satisfaction. As I watch all this, My Heart flames up with pains of having to see such vile scenes.

As beasts are fattened before they are taken to the slaughterhouse, those who are joining hands with the devils are instigating numerous souls’ curiosity and dazzling them with all kinds of pleasing words and disguised good-looking acts, binding them with invisible chains of sins and dragging them to the swamp of eternal death. For their repentance, how many times have I and My Mother manifested signs and implored them through you who are unworthy? Even so, instead of humbly and correctly making Me and My Mother known with the grace given to them, they are being led only by their desire and are pursuing the most contemptible things, mistakenly believing that these things are the most valuable good. It would be correct to say that they are truly beasts covered with mud.

All their efforts and activities that are packaged into beautiful appearances will dazzle many souls and take them into vanity and superficiality. In the end, they will make even the meek souls who have been called unable to discern and will separate them from My love.

I prayed, crying, “Oh, my Lord! Save them who are so pitiable.”


Oh, My beloved little soul! For how many days have My Mother and I implored them, repeating the same words again and again and manifesting numerous signs? However, they cling to and implore My Mother and Me only when they are in pains, as if trying to grab a life buoy. Once they receive the grace that they have been asking for, they turn around and turn their faces away, making My Sacred Heart and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart become pierced by the sharp swords of betrayal, become torn apart countless times, and bleed endlessly.

But, daughter! You know well that My Mother’s arms are aching severely as if they were falling apart, as she pulls the children out of the wagon, in order not to lose even one soul. Those numerous children who are spiritually blind and deaf. . . they turn around soon after they have been gotten hold of. . . they are gotten hold of again, but they soon turn around and walk on the evil way again. . . Thus, when I look upon those children who have fallen away by misusing their free will, there are many times when I even regret that I have allowed them free will.

Julia: Should I go into the wagon and pull out those souls?

JESUS: How can you go into that terrible den of beasts?

Julia: I am the Lord’s, if I die; I am the Lord’s, if I live. I will go in there, if I can save even one of those souls.

I went in the wagon which looked beautiful. From the outside, the wagon did not look big, but, when I entered it, it was enormously large and there were numerous souls in it. I screamed, “Let’s hurry up and get out of here. If you stay here, you will go to hell. It is not too late yet. Let’s hurriedly get out of here.” I barely finished my words, when the devils, whom I could not clearly see, said, “Kill this wretched woman! Because she continues to interfere with our work, we cannot let her live any longer. We have been extremely resentful, because she has been taking away the souls whom we won with so much difficulty. This time, this wretched woman walked into our den on her own. She must never leave this place alive!” Immediately, many devils began attacking me simultaneously, throwing at me extreme curses that one would not even dare to utter, hitting, scratching, pinching and biting me hard on my whole body. Without thinking much of what they were doing, I exerted myself as hard as I could to help the souls escape from the wagon, almost throwing them out of there one after another. Where did I get that kind of energy? It was possible only because the Lord helped me invisibly with His hands as I was not giving up to the end to save even one more soul.

What was even more amazing was that, previously (August 26, 1989), I was chasing away the devils, hitting them with a rosary, but, this time, I was chasing away the devils not only with the rosary prayer but also by turning my life into prayers. The Lord was showing us how important it is that we turn our lives into prayers in this urgent age. Each time I threw out one soul out of the wagon, I prayed that the Blessed Mother would embrace that soul in her bosom and feed it with her milk and bathe it in the Lord’s Precious Blood, enabling the soul to live a new life of resurrection. I continued praying like this even while struggling with the devils.

When the devils scratched, pinched, bit, and hit me, and grabbed and shook my hair, they plucked out a handful of my hair. I earnestly prayed that as many sinners as the hairs that were plucked out might repent.

Also, every time the little souls, who lead their lives according to the Blessed Mother’s messages, prayed the rosary and did not squander even the most trivial things but turned them into prayers, more power was transmitted to me, enabling me to repel the devils and save more souls. As the devils were being defeated by our turning our lives into prayers at every moment and the souls whom the devils had taken great pains to place in the wagon were being rescued, the devils attacked me all in a bunch, biting me and striking me relentlessly with all kinds of weapons. My whole body became covered with blood. At that moment, Jesus stretched out His hands, radiating light on me, and spoke.

JESUS: Turning your life into prayers with all your heart and with love is a weapon of love, humility, and virtues that can repel any devil. It is also a shortcut to quickly acquiring virtues and advancing toward perfection.

The light that He was radiating penetrated my heart and shone upon all the souls who were turning their lives into prayers and were helping me. When I got up in the morning, I saw my whole body covered with blood.

Message on August 15, 2002

At the same place on the Blessed Mother’s mountain where a miracle of the Eucharistic species turning into visible flesh and blood in the shape of a heart in my mouth occurred both during the Mass celebrated by Bishop Dominic Su on August 24, 1995, and during the Mass celebrated by Bishop Roman Danylak (September 22, 1995), Jesus shed His Precious Blood which was alive and pulsating on June 11, 2002. Today, I was informed that a large quantity of the Precious Blood was shed again between 10 and 10:15 a.m., and went to the mountain in a hurry. Rather than merely being shed, it seemed to me that the Precious Blood was poured down. There already were Bishop Dominic Su and two priests from Malaysia together with many pilgrims from Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, and other countries, witnessing the Precious Blood and praying. Some of them were crying.

I knelt down before the Precious Blood and began meditating, choking with sobs and offering up the tears. I could not control my tears or stop my nose from running. A while later, I entered an ecstasy and saw some terrible scenes.

So many people were in the state of sin. Most shockingly, some priests and religious, and even some of the prelates were committing sins. Jesus, wearing a white robe and a red mantle, was in pains as He was watching them. Whenever they committed sins, His Sacred Heart was mercilessly pierced by sharp swords and spears, He was crucified again, and He was whipped and scourged. Especially when the prelates and those children who have been called were scourging Him, Jesus was unable to open His eyes and was groaning, and at that moment His chest opened and His Sacred Heart began bleeding. That was not all! Even lumps of blood and bloody water poured out of His Heart. It was a miserable scene that I could not look at with my open eyes. Then, Jesus screamed loudly, "Who will sew up My Heart that has been torn apart? I ask that at least you, who know Me, sew My torn Heart." and shed bloody tears. He began speaking, looking at me with sorrowful eyes.


My beloved little soul! Make this known so that those who have eyes that can see and ears that can hear may all come to see and hear. This is the love flaming up in My Sacred Heart, which is inseparable (even if one tries to separate my children from My love) and is high, deep, and wide. That all the children in the world may repent, free themselves from unbelief, reconcile with each other, and become saved, I poured down this love, holding back none, at My Mother’s earnest solicitation that the Heavenly Father remove the chastisement which He is to send down justly.

My lovable daughter! Without complaining even when you were attacked and persecuted with all kinds of malicious groundless rumors and preposterous words and when your body and mind were all covered with wounds, you graciously offered up all those pains, which were like being killed twice, as sacrifices, reparations and love for the conversion of sinners. As I have been moved by your love interwoven with your deep trust in Me and total reliance on Me, I cannot help but send down graces upon this world.

At that moment, I saw the clergy, religious and lay people, who responded saying "Amen" to the call by Jesus and the Blessed Mother, also nailed to the Cross, receiving extreme insults, scourging, and all kinds of contempt, and groaning, as they were making the Lord’s and the Blessed Mother’s love known. Very soon light radiated from the sky and shone upon all of them, and the angels came and consoled them, enabling them to offer up their pains graciously. Jesus again spoke lovingly.


My extremely beloved daughter! As you can see now, these souls who have been called and who have responded saying "Amen" have received, together with you, contempt and scorn and have been falsely accused and persecuted with all kinds of groundless criticisms. Even though they experience difficulties and suffer pains in this world, they will enjoy glory, sing Alleluia, and be blessed with joy, love, and peace at the side of Me and My Mother in the next world. Therefore, in this urgent age, in order not to give any opportunity to the devil, help all the children in the world to turn their lives into prayers so that all may be saved.

Children who have been called! And all the children in the world! Now, the night has grown deeper, thus signaling the approaching dawn. That the new heaven and the new earth may be realized, I want you to hurriedly awake from sleep; respond to this inestimable, sublime love revealed through the signs that I and My Mother have continuously manifested in order to save the world; accept the messages of love which (I and My Mother) have been screaming until Our throats begin bleeding; and graciously offer up even the trivial things, without squandering even one of them or taking it lightly, by turning your lives into prayers.

Thus, if you rush to Me through My Mother humbly as little souls, I and My Mother will guard and protect you, whatever natural disaster may occur, and you will escape from the calamity of fire flaming up with justice and witness a new daybreak.

But if you continue to deviate from My most sublime love and truth and, by misusing your free will, insist upon your own self-contradictory faith, you will be judged as remnants of dry grass at the Last Judgment and thrown into the burning sulfur that flames up violently. What will be the use of regretting at that time?

Therefore, as you see and feel My most sublime Precious Blood which I poured out, holding back none, by opening My Sacred Heart for all of you, rely totally (on Me) with complete faith and trust and with gratitude and love, and make this most sublime love known to all people. If they accept it humbly and repent, they will obtain My infinite love and mercy and be blessed with eternal happiness at the last moment.

Then, with His eyes filled with love, Jesus looked around at all the clergy, religious and lay people who were working for the Lord and the Blessed Mother of Naju and resumed speaking.


My ministers who have responded saying "Amen" to My Mother’s call! Hasn’t My Mother, who loves you extremely, said that you are so lovable that she can put you in her eyes without hurting them? The Precious Blood that poured out of the wounds in My Sacred Heart, which I just showed you, is a sign of My boundless mercy and profound love and friendship for all the children in the world as well as of My presence. Who can even dare to speculate about or imagine the love that is burning like this with a divine origin in My Sacred Heart? My Heart has become an active volcano that flames up violently because of the numerous children in the world who cling to Me and My Mother as if grabbing a life buoy only when they are in pains, but return to their miserable life once they receive the graces that they have been asking for.

Therefore, I ask you, who have been called as My ministers, to display the power of love more energetically and to make known to the whole world, together with My little soul, who has been chosen but has said repeatedly that she is unworthy and unqualified, the inestimable love in My burning Sacred Heart, and, thus, to help all to realize that My Sacred Heart, which flames up and has given up all of its blood and water, holding back none, is the refuge for all the sinners in the world and the full realization of salvation.

If you make known the love burning in My Sacred Heart, which words cannot adequately describe, so that all the children of the world may accept the messages of love from Me and My Mother, meditate deeply on the wounds in My torn Sacred Heart, and turn their lives into prayers, this will be a gift of great joy to Me and My Mother and become the pliers of love that pull out the sharp daggers that keep stabbing (My Heart) because of the unfaithfulness of My ministers and children who have been specially called.

My beloved ministers and children who have been called! Do not fear anything no matter what distress may befall you while you make Me and My Mother known, as those souls who rely on and draw closer to the boundless love and mercy burning in My Sacred Heart will participate in My love and be saved. Hasten to make (Us) known with a total trust in Me Who will sustain you as persons who never give up their integrity even in distress and with an awareness of your dignity as people who have been saved and are transcendent.

Realize the important fact that you have been called to proclaim to the whole world that now is the critical time when the good heads of grain and the remnants of dry grass are being separated so that not even one soul among all the children in the world may be abandoned and all may repent, be saved, and give glory to God. And meekly following My and My Mother’s will and without any further reservation, take the initiative in working to save this pitiable world which is headed toward destruction and ruin.

As you are drawing closer to Me through My Mother as little persons, like children, and making Me and My Mother known, you will be blessed with eternal happiness before My throne in My kingdom on the last day.

Messages through Julia (2001)

Message on February 28, 2001

At about 2 a.m., I lit candles and began praying the rosary. At about 3 a.m., Jesus appeared wearing a white garment. His whole body was stained with Blood, and even His garment was permeated with Blood. He looked so miserable. While I was so surprised and did not know what to do, Jesus came closer in a loving way and spoke with a kind voice:


Daughter! My beloved little soul! Do not be too surprised. I am stained with Blood like this even now in order to save the world which is infected with sins, as I do not want even one of the children in the world to be condemned and fall into eternal perdition. No matter how much love I may give them, most of the children in the world, who have already become extremely corrupt, are filled with self-centered stubbornness caused by pride and are spiritually blind and deaf and are offending God with insult and ingratitude instead of accepting My love which made Me give My whole body (to them). That is why My Heart has become torn apart into pieces and is bleeding like this day after day.

Look! My daughter! They say that they love Me and My Mother, but, without sincere prayer and true repentance, implore Me and My Mother as if holding on to a life buoy only when they suffer pains and, after they receive the graces they have been asking for, have a grateful heart only briefly and, without giving alms to the Heavenly Beggars, return to their miserable life and become thorns that prick the Sacred Heart.

Oh! How anxiously I have been waiting for the little souls to lower Me from the Cross! But the numerous children in the world, the great majority of the clergy and religious, and even My children who have been specially called nail Me to the Cross and, instead of lowering Me from the Cross, remain unawake and join forces with the devil and, thereby, lose their sense of direction, become filled with pride and vanity, and, holding sharp scissors of greed and selfishness (in their hands), cut My body and cloth into pieces to own them. My Heart and My Mother’s Heart have burned and burned and have long since become erupting volcanoes.

Julia: Dear Lord! I am so unworthy and powerless. What should I do? Please teach me.


My beloved daughter who has to suffer pains! You are My little soul. I have told the Apostle Paul that My power becomes fully manifested in those who are weak. If you remember that I together with My Mother always dwell in you even while you are weak and graciously offer up at every moment all the pains that befall you for the conversion of sinners, you will be repairing and consoling My torn Heart and the torn Heart of My Mother, who has been imploring you with tears and tears of blood, and also will be mending My garment which has been torn apart into pieces.

Then, the Lord gave me something saying, “Now, My daughter! Receive this.” I received it with both of my hands and held it in my left hand.


This is My garment made of cotton, which has been soaked in My Blood and torn apart again and again during scourging because of the sins of numerous children. These pieces of My cotton garment have been cut apart with sharp scissors of the greed and selfishness with which people only want to receive without giving to others for their own satisfaction instead of loving others as themselves and also (with the scissors) of cold-hearted betrayal.

Remembering that My Mother and I become crushed like this every day and with a heart of sincere prayers, repentance and love, at least you, who know that (My Mother and I) are being insulted and experience all kinds of sufferings because of sinners even at this moment, see this powder of cloth and crush your ego again and again at every moment, become little souls, and turn your lives into prayer. Doing that will become pliers that pull out thorns and nails which have been driven deeply into My Sacred Heart and that of My Mother and also become needles that mend the Sacred Hearts and the garment that have been torn apart. Thus, it will be a great comfort to My Mother and Me. Therefore, try not to fall into disappointment and despair, and, remembering that when you display the power of love more (vigorously) and offer up your utmost loyalty in heroic ways, the time of purification will be shortened, always remain awake and pray. Good-bye! An-nyoung!

After Jesus finished speaking, I resumed praying the rosary in pains. I did not dare to look at what I was holding in my hand. Then, I fell asleep. When I awoke, it was still too early and I did not look at what was in my hand. About four and a half hours later, at 7:30 a.m., I called my family and others. Before everyone looking on, I opened my hand, shaking and awestruck. There were pieces of cloth crushed into powder and stained with Blood. Everyone was surprised and looked more closely. A woman, who was knowledgeable in textiles, said, “It looks like a cloth made of very delicate fibers.” All of us were looking at this and promised to ourselves that we would crush our strong egos again and again, turn our lives into prayers at every moment, become simple and little souls, and thus give true consolation to the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

Message on April 1, 2001

At about 7 a.m., when I was praying, I heard the beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother.


Daughter! My beloved daughter! My beloved sons and daughters who have been chosen as my helpers in this age situated in danger! Make haste to become children and hold my hands without weighing with human calculation. Firmly holding the hands of me, your Heavenly Mother and the String that ties Heaven and earth together, and without becoming discouraged or disappointed or looking back, hurriedly wake up, pray, do reparations, live a consecrated life, and make a constant effort to turn your whole life into prayers.

I have so anxiously cried out that the cup of God’s wrath has been overflowing and overflowing and, now, there is no more time to procrastinate, but most of the children who say that they know me and even you whom I have chosen are so blind and deaf and are not faithfully following this Heavenly Mamma’s words which I have screamed until my throat begins bleeding and are not turning your lives into prayers. Instead, (you) are filled with human thinking and pride, are unable to discern that evil even hides itself behind innocent appearances, and bring about division by joining forces with the devil. The Heart of this Mamma who is looking at this suffers pains of becoming torn into pieces.

However, as it is not too late yet, hurry up and hold my hands. If at least you, who have been called, distance yourselves from pleasures of the senses, accept the anxious pleas of my Son Jesus and me faithfully, and practice them in your lives, the time of the victory of my Son’s Sacred Heart and my Immaculate Heart will be advanced. Therefore, become like me. As I want to collect the little flowers and the seeds of martyrdom, which you offer up by making sacrifices at every moment, in my burning Immaculate Heart and offer them up to God, make your best, strenuous efforts.

Then, you will see that the day, when God, Who is Love Itself and loves you so much, will turn the cup of wrath into the cup of blessing and rebuild the place which has been destroyed by Satan, and thus the mouths of those who have been opposing and criticizing will be closed, is not far off.

My children who have been chosen! You suffer pains now, but if you keep in mind the place in the Heavenly Kingdom which I have prepared for you, display the power of love so that you may not squander any of the pains that accompany you while following me, persevere in the utmost loyalty in heroic ways, and graciously offer up (your pains), your sighs will turn into joys in the not distant future.

Message on August 4, 2001

At about 5:40 a.m., when I was praying in meditation, I heard the kind and beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother.


My beloved daughter! My poor and pitiable daughter who falls and collapses while carrying the heavy and hard Cross but, without looking the other way, staggers forward, suffering the death agony, in order to follow this Mamma in Heaven! Not forgetting that I become comforted by seeing your blood-and-tears endeavor and am with you and with greater strength and courage, completely offer yourselves up so that even the sinners, who have become arid, may repent. My Heart is hurting so much, because even my little souls who have been invited to Heaven are frequenting Purgatory and hell.

My beloved children who have been called! If even you, who are supposed to guide with God's love and words the sheep which have lost their ways and are wandering, do not form unity with love, how overjoyed the devils will be! That you may accomplish the very important mission that has been entrusted to you before God, realize (the importance of your mission), be more awake, and pray and achieve unity in the love of the Lord and me. Then, the devil who has been attacking you in order to conquer the world will run away, and the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will be achieved before long.

Message on September 8, 2001

I was stumbling, falling down, and crawling and not fully conscious while doing the Stations of the Cross (on the Blessed Mother’s mountain near Naju). At the 11th Station, the water of mercy was streaming down. At the 12th Station, I heard the Lord’s voice.


My beloved children! I am comforted by your sacrifices and reparations filled with love. In this age when empty heads of grain are swarming, I allowed your meeting (Translator’s note: Julia says that, in the vision at the 12th Station, she saw those who have responded to the Blessed Mother’s call to help her). (Therefore) encourage each other with a sincere heart and demolish human walls that keep your hearts closed with unfailing ties and fully-open and generous love in unlimited and total unity. Now open your hearts widely so that you may learn from each other what is good and welcome advices that can help correct your shortcomings, and come closer to Me and become one with My Heart.

Thus, when you follow Me in greater solidarity and unity in the Holy Trinity, I, Who allowed your meeting, will perform miracles of love, and you will enjoy Heaven together with Me and My Mother in the joy of being in harmony with the Saints at every moment, even where it appears that (everything) has failed and is hopeless.

Message on September 28, 2001


My sons and daughters who have been chosen! Keep it in your mind that you have been chosen to work for the Lord and me with my daughter whom I have loved and have chosen; and follow me united as one in the Holy Trinity.

My beloved children! Become simpler by throwing away human thoughts (calculations) and becoming innocent children. I want you to become littler and be embraced tightly in my bosom. It will be difficult to follow me with human calculations, just as you cannot preserve the Heritage of the Faith with theories and reasoning alone.

Therefore, become humbler and littler souls and help my daughter, who has been chosen; my daughter who is participating in the Lord’s Passion by suffering death agonies before delivery and is facing moments of a second death as bloody efforts and sacrifices are necessary. As she has responded with “Amen” to a great mission that this pure Mother has prepared with an utmost care, you too have been called to be her helpers and responded with “Amen.” Shouldn’t you now attend to my daughter’s wounds and heal them?

As I allowed your meeting, do not forget that you should become interpreters for each other who console each other and protect each other’s lives. And enjoy the exultation, love and peace in the midst of overflowing graces, carrying out your precious mission in your unique role that is irreplaceable.

As God called Moses to Mt. Sinai to liberate the Israeli people who had been in bondage on the Egyptian lands, you have been called so that my victory may be achieved. Therefore, tear down human walls with your whole life and with a stronger and warmer heart, and love one another generously.

As I told you before, remember that even though I can make you perfect, I allow you to make mistakes so that you may be humble, and do not waste time with the devils but turn your lives into prayers, have a total faith and trust, achieve unity in the Holy Trinity relying on the divine source, and follow me. The purpose for doing this is to lead many souls to Heaven in the joy of achieving harmony with the Saints at every moment.

This current age is bringing upon itself the chastisement of fire and blood, but you, who work for the Lord and me, should not worry or fear, but make a fresh start following me. Then, God, Who loves you, will save you, who follow me and work for me, from the dangers which will befall (this world) in this end time with the amazing love with which He saved Daniel by closing the lions’ mouths, and let you inherit Heaven. When you do not hesitate or waver but become awake, make strenuous efforts to fully carry out the mission that has been given to you, display the power of love more strongly, and offer up a heroic loyalty, I will always accompany you and sustain you like a person who never falters despite tremendous difficulties. You will share love at the heavenly table with me and enjoy happiness on the last day.

Message on October 19, 2001

While I was doing the Stations of the Cross on the Blessed Mother’s mountain together with several helpers, feeling much difficulty and pains, streams of the water of mercy began coming down at the Seventh Station.

When we reached the Twelfth Station and were praying prostrate on the ground, I suddenly lost energy in my whole body and fell backward. I entered an ecstasy and saw a vision. Numerous people were screaming for help in the midst of terrible pains. They were trampling each other, struggling to climb higher. Those who were being trampled were groaning and screaming because of pains. Some of their screaming was like the sound of wolves, with a long lingering sound. It was frightful and could send a chill through a person.

At that moment, the devils were going about busily, whispering into people’s ears, “You can live only if you go higher.” Those people who were deceived by the devils were trying to go higher with all their strength, ignoring even their parents and brothers and sisters, trampling them in order to save their own lives. Their desperate efforts, however, were futile. As soon as they seemed to have reached the top, others under them grabbed and pulled down their feet. They fell to the bottom and were trampled by others who were frantically trying to go up. It was a terrible scene that was repeating itself endlessly. The screaming sounded so ghastly to an indescribable degree that I even felt my hair standing up. While looking at this terrible scene, I began screaming to the Lord with a trembling voice.

Julia: Oh, Savior Jesus Who is our Redeemer and Love Itself! These days our human society has accomplished enormous progress through a highly-advanced materialistic civilization, but humans’ inner lives has become more desolate, like a desert. How much pain this must have caused Thee! The dazzling progress of the materialistic civilization can bring about temporary conveniences, but cannot give humans true happiness. Instead, it is annihilating love. Of what use can it be to our souls?

Lord! Forgive all those children in the world who are so blind and deaf and are rushing toward their permanent ruin, without understanding the Lord’s and the Blessed Mother’s words. Save them by liberating them from the devils’ cunning temptations. Wash away their sins completely, heal them, and let them resurrect with the Sacred and Precious Blood from Thy Seven Wounds, shed on the Cross to save the world.

As I was screaming, Jesus appeared, wearing a white robe and a red mantle. I was overjoyed and said.

Julia: Oh, my Lord! Please save those people who have fallen into the devils’ temptations because they did not trust the Lord and the Blessed Mother, will You?


Haven’t I already told you that there is nothing that can be done if humans refuse to accept love however much love I may give them, as they have been given a free will?

Julia: Lord! Didn’t the Lord value the one sheep that had been lost but was found more than the ninety-nine other sheep? Just one single drop of the Precious Blood that the Lord shed for our sake can save the whole world.

As I continued screaming and begging, the Lord looked with loving and merciful eyes at all of us who were praying, and spoke.


My beloved little soul! If all the children in the world had followed Me with a faith like yours, this world would already have become the New Heaven and the New Earth. But look at all those numerous people. Instead of repenting their sins, they are cruelly trampling and abandoning their neighbors, trying to save only their own lives. How can they expect to live?

Julia: Lord! Please give them one more chance to repent. When they die, their bodies will return to earth, but their souls will not be able to escape from the flames of fire in hell. Have mercy so that not even one soul may fall into hell.

I cried and implored again. Then, the Lord said.


My loving and obedient daughter! How can I refuse your earnest request? I will give one more chance to the children who have lost their sense of direction in the midst of pandemonium and are wandering. If they accept Me and My Mother, they will repent and be saved.

After Jesus finished speaking, He ascended higher in the sky. At that moment, the Blessed Mother, wearing a white dress and a blue mantle, appeared at the Lord's side. Saying “Now, open your eyes,” the Lord together with the Blessed Mother sent down upon people the light of Their Hearts and the light of mercy as well as abundant streams of the water of mercy. Then, They sent down the Precious Blood from the Lord’s Seven Wounds and the Blessed Mother’s tears of blood. Among the numerous people, an extremely small number of them accepted the Lord and the Blessed Mother, accepted Their love, and were able to escape from the screaming crowds. However, from those who were not accepting the Lord and the Blessed Mother and were still joining forces with the devils, the light of love and drops of the Blood from the Lord and the Blessed Mother were returning back to the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

The Lord and the Blessed Mother came to us and bestowed the light of Their Hearts and the light of mercy, streams of the water of mercy from Their hands, the Precious Blood from the Lord’s Seven Wounds, the Blessed Mother’s tears, tears of blood, and fragrant oil on us — not only on us (who were present on the mountain) but also on all those who are working to help the Blessed Mother of Naju and who come to visit the Blessed Mother of Naju, on their heads, the backs of their heads, their foreheads, their backs and their whole chests. Then, the Lord resumed speaking.


My beloved children! In this current age, the sounds signaling the end (of an age) are already tolling like a funeral bell through those who work with the devils, and major disasters affecting the whole world have already befallen, but most of the children in the world remain blind and deaf and are complacently not accepting the messages of love from Me and My Mother, starting an active volcano in My Heart, which is flaming up vigorously with the fire of justice.

However, through My Mother Mary’s earnest entreaties and the sincere prayers soaked in tears and hidden sacrifices and penances by you, the little souls who have become living sacrificial offerings, I, Who am the Way, the Truth and the Life and am the beginning and the end, will finish the work that I began.

All the children who come to Me through My Mother have experienced and will experience in this world many insults, persecutions, and criticisms with preposterous words in the midst of all kinds of ordeals while making Me and My Mother known. However, in the next world, they will be given the power and privilege to occupy the tree of eternal life and will enjoy eternal happiness at My table in My Kingdom. Therefore, do not worry but become little persons with greater humility and go forward courageously in saving the world of misery which is approaching its destruction, and thus let all the people praise the Father in Heaven. Then, I, the redeeming Lord and the Judge of Justice, will come to you soon atop clouds, wielding power, bringing the rewards promised to you and bringing fire, with My Mother who deserves to be respected as the Queen of Heaven. An-nyoung!

When Jesus finished speaking, I came out of the ecstasy. My helpers, who were supporting me, were surprised to see me wet from my head to my upper clothes with a copious amount of the water of mercy. One of them who touched my clothes shouted: It is oil! On the altar made of rocks in front of the Fifteenth Station for the Lord’s Resurrection, streams of the water of mercy came down mixed with colorful oil. All the helpers who saw this shouted with joy and sang to the glory of the Lord.

Message on November 3, 2001

We were doing the Stations of the Cross early in the morning. At the Twelfth Station, I was absorbed in deep meditation on the immense Love with which the Lord was cruelly nailed to the Cross for three hours, shedding all His Blood and Water to the last drop for us, sinners, and I implored Him:

“Oh, my Love, my Lord! It is First Saturday today which the Blessed Mother, the Queen of Heaven and our true Mother, said commemorates the long, long, cruel day of her suffering when she was left alone, having lost the Lord, and is a day when she calls her children to pray with her.

‘I always had sufferings from the day I conceived Jesus my Son, but, on Holy Saturday, I expressed sorrows externally for the first time and cried so miserably all night praying for my Son Jesus and for sinners. Those painful hours were also the time for transition from my Son’s Death to His Resurrection, a day for going from death to life. This is the reason why I asked you to pray with me tonight.’

With this message (on February 6, 1993), the Blessed Mother called many children to pray together on the First Saturday night. Those who have responded to her call with an Amen are gathered here and are praying together. Touch and console every one of them so that they may not be like a broken jar that cannot hold water but may become reborn in the Holy Spirit. Wash away the sins of all those who seek the Lord and the Blessed Mother with the Precious Blood from the Lord’s Seven Wounds. Then, as they repent of their sins, they will become healed in both their souls and bodies, become dissolved in the Sacred Heart of the Lord and the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother as little souls, experience love and peace in the joy of humbly uniting with the Saints, become one in the Holy Trinity, and give glory to the Lord.

Oh, my Lord! My all, my life, and my eternal Beloved! I love Thee and praise Thee. With the merits of suffering on the Cross and with the amazing Love with which the Lord conquered death and resurrected, send down a sweet rain on all the souls!”

At that moment, the Precious Blood gushed out of the Seven Wounds of the Lord Who was nailed to the Cross, and was poured upon us all. Then, Jesus spoke very lovingly.

JESUS: My beloved little soul! I love all of you so much (as to pour down My Blood upon you).

Because I smelled an intense odor of blood, I looked closely at those who were praying with me, but did not see any blood on them. When the Precious Blood gushed out (of the Lord’s Body hanging on the Cross), there also was an intense fragrance of roses. Streams of the water of mercy poured down behind us, also giving off an intense fragrance of roses. We were overjoyed, because we saw that the Lord was giving us His Precious Blood in front of us as if to draw us forward, while the Blessed Mother was giving us streams of the water of mercy behind us as if to push us. We praised the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

Message on November 6, 2001

We were doing the Stations of the Cross, praying and meditating on Jesus carrying the Cross. At the Eighth Station, where Jesus saw the women of Jerusalem weeping for Him and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem! Do not weep for Me; weep instead for yourselves and for your children” (Luke 23:28), I saw a vision.

There were a very large number of people gathered together. Among them were the Holy Father, many clergy, religious and lay people. A while later it became windy, and most people were being swayed by the wind like reeds. Those who were following the Lord and the Blessed Mother were striving hard not to be swayed by the wind and continued to stand firm. It would have been much easier for them to be swayed by the wind together with others, but they were trying hard not to lose their balance. Because of this, they were considered obstacles by those people who were being swayed by the wind. These people recklessly pushed and poked from all directions those who were following the Lord and the Blessed Mother. A small number among those who had been following the Lord and the Blessed Mother were no longer able to withstand pains and joined others who were being swayed by the wind.

Some time passed. Jesus and the Blessed Mother came down to us, riding clouds and surrounded by the angels, and looked closely at each and every one in the crowd. Then, the Blessed Mother began speaking with a kind, loving voice.


My beloved children! Now, make haste to repent, as before not too long it will be the time of harvest for separating good heads of grain and empty ones. I have told you so anxiously that there is no more time to hesitate or procrastinate, but . . . I cannot control sadness, because even most of my children who have been called are not offering up little flowers of self-denials at every moment and are not becoming completely dissolved in my Immaculate Heart by turning their lives into prayers, but are trying to put down the cross, saying that it is too heavy.

Meditate more deeply on the Words of the Lord, your Redeemer: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God. Then, you will understand well that the Lord was not just referring to richness in worldly possessions. Children! If you do not empty your hearts but remain rich in your hearts with all kinds of covetousness, misguided spirituality, and pride, how can the Lord live there?

In this age which has become urgent, the World of Mystery is being torn down, but bear in mind that the release of the wrath of God the Father is being delayed thanks to your spirit and life of martyrdom by which you try with all your bodies and all your hearts to participate in the death agony which the Lord underwent on Calvary, lamenting with deep love and tears for my sake and for the sake of my Son Jesus, your Redeemer, and also thanks to the fervent prayers, sacrifices and reparations by the little souls who are imploring me. And multiplying your strenuous efforts to display the power of love, offer up prayers, sacrifices and reparations for those souls who are being swayed by wind like reeds.

As you are now experiencing all kinds of insults and pains for Jesus and me, living among people who are being swayed by wind like reeds in the world, you will be counted as good heads of grain thanks to the universal graces (graces that are made available to everyone) from God. Even those souls who are now being swayed by wind like reeds will also be counted as good heads of grain, if they repent completely and follow my words.

However, as God allowed free will to humans, if they do not follow my words totally, turn their backs to me, and persist in remaining as empty heads of grain, God will remove their share of the fruits from the tree of eternal life that had been prepared for you. Then, where will those souls go?

My children who have been chosen! Always remembering this Mamma’s words: God can destroy in one moment iron pillars and bronze walls however solidly they may have been built and can also raise them up, be prepared and remain awake to meet the Lord, your Redeemer, Who will come to you soon, bringing rewards and fire, and (meet) me.

When the Blessed Mother finished speaking, Jesus and the Blessed Mother shone the light of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the light of mercy upon everyone and returned to Heaven. At that moment, those who were striving hard not to join forces with others who were being swayed by wind saw that the Lord and the Blessed Mother were shining light upon them, and received that light with open arms and with happy faces, and, with a renewed courage and strength, were able to stand firm.

Message on November 8, 2001

While I was in deep meditation, I saw a vision. Jesus was bleeding from the wounds caused by the crown of thorns and scourging, but numerous people including many clergy continued to cruelly drive more nails through Him. Loud sounds of hammering continued, causing pains to my ears. As I watched Jesus continuously bleeding, I felt extreme pains in my heart as if it were becoming torn into pieces.

“Oh, my Lord, My Beloved! Thou lovest so much even those souls who continue to push Thee toward death. How can we fathom Thy immense love? How much more prayer will be necessary to pull out all these nails driven into Thy body? We love Thee with all our hearts, even though we are unworthy. Be consoled by the sacrifices, penances, and earnest prayers that we offer up, even though they are so little like dust.

Oh, my Love, my Beloved! Now, we will pull out the nails driven into the Lord’s body with the pliers that the Blessed Mother gave us; we will become a handkerchief that wipes away blood and sweat from the Lord’s face; we will become tailors who mend the wounds in Thy Sacred Heart; and we will try to live a life of unending gratitude. Therefore, receive praise, glory and consolation.

Oh, my Love, my Beloved! Fill our unworthy souls with the fruits merited by Thy suffering on the Cross; take charge in our lives so that we may feed numerous souls with these fruits.”

While I was praying earnestly, Jesus began speaking with a soft voice.


My love, My little soul! You have repeatedly said that you are unworthy and your prayers are like dust, but the prayers that you offer with love and earnestness are like sweet water that quenches My thirst and the pliers that pull out nails from My body.

My beloved little baby! As I told you before, I can make you perfect, but I do not take away your shortcomings which have been given to you as gifts to keep you humble. Therefore, do not be focused on yourself, but, with more strenuous efforts and through unceasing sacrifices and penances, offer yourself up totally so that all the clergy may obey and form unity with the Pope, who is the successor of Peter, whom I chose, who is My Vicar, and who is the eldest brother in the Church, and that they may convert and accomplish the mission entrusted to them, in compliance with My Will.

Even a large majority of the clergy have alienated themselves from the source of love, have totally forgotten about My Divinity, have become blind and deaf, and, because of face-saving and others’ eyes, do not defend the truth against errors which they see and utter criticisms in the back, even though I, Who am the way, the truth, and the life, and My Mother, who is the Helper in Redemption and the Advocate, have been showing signs and screaming until Our throats begin bleeding. This is why they are incurring God the Father’s wrath of justice.

That is not all. Many of the clergy, whose duty is to lead the herds of sheep to Heaven, are offering Masses and the Divine Office in superficial ways, neglect their sacred duties, and are unfaithful to the tasks given to them, getting involved in golf, Go-Stop (Translator’s note: Go-Stop is a popular card game in Korea played for gambling and fun), and drinking and enjoying pleasure together with the secular world instead of abstaining from associating with women, obsessed with and addicted to all the worldly matters. Every time they do so, I wear the crown of thorns instead of the royal crown, become nailed to the Cross, and shed blood.

Now, all the clergy, religious, and laity in the world! The time of stern judgment of justice is drawing near. But as it is not yet too late, make haste to repent and make strenuous efforts to extinguish the fire in My Sacred Heart which has become an active volcano and thus prevent God the Father’s chastisement. And approach Me through My Mother relying on the transcendence of My Love with which I love even the most wicked sinners. I, Who love you, am still trying to save you by transfusing to you the blood which I shed on the Cross in order to wash away your filthy stains. However, if you refuse to receive the transfusion, I cannot help. Those children who rush toward Me through My Mother, who is the Helper in My Work of Salvation, the Mediatrix of Graces, and the Co-Redemptrix, will be counted as good heads of grain at the last judgment and will enjoy eternal happiness at My Table in My Kingdom.

Message on November 9, 2001

While I was doing the Stations of the Cross (on the Blessed Mother’s mountain in Naju), praying and meditating deeply in my heart on the Lord’s receiving the death sentence, becoming covered all over with wounds from cruel beating and scourging, and carrying the Cross toward Mt. Calvary, one Station after another, I was able to participate more intimately in the Lord’s sufferings. I felt my body becoming very heavy and was unable to walk even one more step. As I was crawling on the ground dragging my feet, I could not open my eyes and was losing consciousness. At the Sixth Station, I was meditating on St. Veronica courageously approaching the Lord in the midst of many people’s ridicules and insults, without paying attention to them, and, with her whole heart, wiping the Lord’s face stained with blood and sweat and cleaning His eyes covered with blood and clots of blood from His forehead torn by the crown of thorns, enabling the Lord to barely open His eyes and see. Then, I saw a vision.

I saw the Lord, covered all over with wounds and bleeding, together with the Blessed Mother, shedding tears of blood at His side. Jesus was being scourged every time people sinned. Because of the unceasing scourging, His whole body was becoming torn and split and was bleeding continuously. The Precious Blood flowing from His forehead because of the crown of thorns was covering His eyes. He looked so miserable beyond description. The Blessed Mother began speaking with a very loving and yet anxious voice.


My beloved daughter who has been called as a little soul! The Lord, Who is your Redeemer and intensely loves even the most wicked sinners, was nailed to the Cross, died, was buried, and resurrected in three days, but He is still shedding blood like this for the conversion of sinners and for the sanctification of priests even now, two thousand years afterwards.

Now, because of the cunning devil’s temptation, even most of the children whom I have called, the clergy, and the religious have become blind and deaf, have lost their sense of direction, and are about to enter the wide-open gates of hell, to say nothing of their failure to practice the messages of love which my Son Jesus and I scream, even repeating the same words again and again. Because of this, the wrath of God is pouring down (upon the world), and, as I am holding the cup (of God’s wrath), my Heart also is burning with flames so vigorously that it is becoming an active volcano. On the other hand, I am also being consoled, because there are little souls like you.

Oh, my loving and obedient daughter who has been trying to become a mop to clean souls! You have also been trying to become pliers to pull out nails driven into my Son Jesus’ body whenever people commit sins. You have also wanted to become a person who stitches up with love the wounds in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart. You have also offered up your most valuable time to the Lord and me to become a handkerchief to wipe away my Son Jesus’ blood and sweat and my tears and tears of blood. What would I not want to give you?

You have already heard and know well that my Son Jesus and I are sad when you are sad; we suffer when you feel painful and suffer; and my Son Jesus and I are happy and rejoice with you when you are happy and joyful. Remembering that I listen attentively to the sounds of fervent prayers which you offer up at the Stations of the Cross on Calvary and that I accompany you, shedding tears of blood at the side of my Son Jesus Who is shedding blood and is with you, become more awake and live a consecrated life for the conversion of sinners and the sanctification of the clergy.

All the children in the world! I have told you so anxiously that God the Father’s response of justice will be relentless and a safe tomorrow cannot be promised, but how can you be so negligent of listening to my anxious pleas which I scream, vomiting blood? I have already implored you anxiously, saying “Do not bring upon yourselves the chastisement of darkness, fire and blood” (February 3, 1994), and warned you several times that the time of the great distress is close at hand. Even so, if you do not repent, and even most of the clergy sing of peaceful times and fail to remain awake, what will happen to the herds of sheep which are following them? There is no more time to procrastinate.

As the time allowed by God is already coming to an end, meditate on the era of Sodom and Gomorrah which were destroyed because there were not even ten just persons, and make haste to wake up and pray so that you may be saved from the chastisement and disaster of the blazing fire of sulfur which is to fall upon the world.

My beloved children who have been called! Bear in mind that this world has already fallen into a crisis of turning into ashes because of the extreme sins, but my Son Jesus gave you one more chance thanks to the fervent prayers, sacrifices and reparations by you, the little souls. At least you should become completely dissolved in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Who has become the sacrificial victim for reconciliation, and my Immaculate Heart; and, by turning your lives into prayers, bind up the Lord’s bleeding wounds, stitch them up, and clean them.

When the sounds of prayers by you, the little souls united with love in the Holy Trinity, are combined together and soar high into Heaven, the crisis of a Third World War will be averted. However, if the children in the world fail to the end to accept the messages of love which my Son Jesus and I are giving them, to repent, and to remain awake, I will no longer be able to hold the cup of God’s wrath.

My beloved children! When my Son Jesus sits in the royal throne together with me at His side, surrounded by all the angels in Heaven, and separates the good heads of grain and the empty ones, shouldn’t you be counted as good ones instead of being separated as empty ones?

Therefore, do not hesitate or delay but tightly hold the hands of me, who am the string that ties Heaven and earth together, put the messages of love into practice, and thus participate in the work of saving this world. By doing this, join in the eternal heavenly banquet in the midst of the cheers by the angels and Saints in Heaven, where there is no death, starving, thirsting, sadness, suffering, or sighs any longer but which is only filled with love; and participate in the glory.

At the Tenth Station, I was still weak and exhausted, unable to open my eyes. When a man who was praying shouted, “Ah! It’s blood!” I barely managed to open my eyes and saw fresh blood here and there on the ground. We began looking more closely and found rocks and fallen leaves with blood on them from the Third Station to the Fifteenth where Jesus resurrected. When I dipped my finger in the blood, my finger became stained with blood which seemed to have been freshly shed.

Message on November 24, 2001

While I was doing the Stations of the Cross at about 7 a.m. (on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain), meditating on Jesus suffering the death agony, I suddenly saw powerful and beautiful rays of light radiating from Jesus hanging on the Cross. Then, His Seven Wounds opened, and blood flowed out. The streams of blood promptly converged into one, turned into the Eucharist, and descended into my mouth. At that moment, I heard the loving and kind voice of Jesus.


Now, my beloved little soul! Receive and consume this. It is the Blood of My Covenant which I shed to wash away the sins of the children in the world and My Flesh which nourishes souls. Become completely dissolved in Me so that you may become one with Me; become one with My Heart.

Oh, My pitiable daughter! My little soul! That you, who are seeking Me in order not to leave Me even for a moment but to become one with My fervent Love with which I have wished to be united with you in My Divinity and humanity, are being so thoroughly rejected is because of My extreme Love for you and your extreme love for Me. How can the worldly people even dare to guess that the numerous pains that have befallen you are My extreme Love for you? With total faith, love and trust in Me, you have not complained about or become discouraged by the pains that have befallen you while being obedient to the diocese which has jurisdiction (in your area) and the Pastor. Instead, you have offered them up graciously and received Me through spiritual communions with a joyful heart. Such little sacrifices of yours quench My boundless thirst and also fill My Mother’s anxious Heart.

Therefore, without fearing anything but with the undefeatable weapon (love for everyone) which will enable you to defeat the cunning devil’s attacks, have complete reliance on My Mother and Me Who will keep you up as a person who never yields his integrity even in adversity.

My beloved children who have been called! Even in distressing circumstances, be grateful at every moment, worship the Triune God Who is the Father of all mankind and Who lives for all eternity and is with you and reveals His greatness, and praise His most blessed Kingdom. As I have entrusted everything to the Father’s Will and My Mother has also completely entrusted herself to the Father’s Will, you should also totally entrust yourselves to the Will of My Mother and Me. Keep yourselves completely empty. Only then, My Mother and I can live and work within you.

My beloved little souls! Keeping in mind that increasing pains accompany the approach of a new birth, display the power of love more diligently and offer up loyalty heroically. Then, the darkness of confusion will be defeated. Do not worry at all about the results but do your best in carrying out the tasks given to you. And rush toward Me through My Mother, keeping in the depths of your hearts the eternal life that has been won through the inestimable, infinite Love of God and the Salvation of the Cross.

Messages through Julia

Message on April 23, 2000

On Easter Sunday, I was so anxious to see the Blessed Mother who had wept that I went to the Chapel and began praying at about 6:30 a.m. Because I had not been able to sleep for many days and had been repeatedly attacked by the devils, it was very difficult for me to remain sitting. I prayed, asking for the Blessed Mother’s forgiveness for my having caused her to shed more tears with my shortcomings and my occasional wishing to turn away from my crosses.

"Mommy! This is the day of Your Son’s Resurrection…" Tears flowed down continuously from my eyes. I confided to the Blessed Mother the pains that had accumulated deep inside my heart and also begged for her forgiveness for my having given her more sorrows.

About half an hour passed, and I heard what sounded like beautiful, majestic military music from above and looked up. The Blessed Mother’s statue was not visible; instead, there stood Jesus in a red mantle and looking extremely merciful, and, to His right, the beautiful and smiling Blessed Mother, who was wearing a blue mantle and holding a rosary in her right hand. Both Jesus and the Blessed Mother had shiny royal crowns on Their heads. Angels wearing shiny white garments were dancing joyfully around Jesus and the Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother spoke lovingly and kindly, smiling beautifully:


My beloved daughter! My children who have been called! Do not worry too much, but entrust everything to me with confidence. Why did the Lord, Who is your Savior, love Mary Magdalene so much? She was about to be stoned to death because of her sin, but repented sincerely and followed the Lord like a simple child. That was how she won Heaven. With an utmost love, she poured fragrant oil on the Lord in preparation for His burial. Didn’t she do everything that she could?

And Peter, who was the disciple whom the Lord trusted and loved most, boasted that he would never desert the Lord, even if all others did. Before long, however, when the Lord was being treated like a criminal, he denied Him three times, even swearing that he did not know Him. How much pain must the Lord have felt in His Heart! However, as soon as the cock crowed, he wept bitterly, shedding tears of repentance. He repented his sins, renewed his resolution to accomplish the task that the Lord gave him, and, from then on, gave testimony to the Lord courageously, completely offering up his life, imitating me, the Mother. Therefore, he is now enjoying happiness in Heaven.

Dear daughter and all my children whom I have called with love! The shrewd devils, who know that I have chosen you and know what kind of work you need to do, are filling the sky and the earth (meaning that they are many) and are trying to make you despair and lose spirit. You must never despair or give up. Even the majority of the shepherds and the children who have been called, who say that they are making the Lord known, are becoming blind and deaf and are unable to discern because of the devils’ tricks. Because of this, Satan, my enemy, is about to cry out with joy over his near victory. His goal is to shake up the faith and trust of you, who are supposed to make the Lord’s Love and mine known, and, thereby, to make you fall into misery and give up. Thus, he aims to make you fall and to prevent you from doing the important work. Therefore, stand up hurriedly and go forward bravely, making strenuous efforts to accomplish the task that has been entrusted to you. When you only seek what belongs to Heaven, where there is no hunger, thirst, sigh, tears, pains, sorrows, or sufferings and where only the eternal happiness waits for you, remembering that, as I have been chosen as the Lord’s Helper, you have also been chosen as my helpers, and offering up graciously even all the preposterous rumors and accusations for the conversion of sinners, I will always be with you, who are weak and feeble, and you will enjoy eternal happiness at the places which I have prepared for you in Heaven.

When the Blessed Mother finished speaking, Jesus, Who had been smiling lovingly, gave a blessing and began speaking:


All the children in the world! Among those who are singing Alleluia with their mouths, how many are truly coming to Me? Those who come to My Mother, listen to her words, and practice them, and all the children who come to Me through My Mother will be saved by Me together with My Mother and will be led to a life of the resurrection, even when they are situated in an extremely dangerous crisis and are unable to do anything (to protect themselves because of the swiftness of the crisis). Therefore, with a high aim and plan to save the world, rescue the sheep which have even lost their sense of direction. Those who have ears to hear will hear and those who have mouths will spread. Do not prick the nose of a sleeping tiger (i.e. do not bring about a disaster by your own doing) or wear thick make-up to cover up ugliness (i.e. focus on external appearances while neglecting what is inside) and then tremble with fear when the whole earth is shaken and turns into seas of fire and becomes swept over by a frightful terror. By offering up reparations for the most dreadful sins of blasphemy, of perpetrating offenses against the dignity of God, and of ingratitude, perpetuate the Mysteries of the Paschal meal (the Last Supper) and the Resurrection.

Together with My Mother, I will always be a companion for you, who have been called and are working for Me, protect you, and sustain you as people who never give up despite difficulties. You will enjoy eternal happiness at My table on the last day. An-nyoung!

Jesus made a happy smile and lifted His right hand slightly as He was saying "An-nyoung!" Then, He entered His wooden image on the Crucifix in the Chapel. The Blessed Mother made an extremely loving and beautiful smile, nodding slightly, and went closer to the place where her statue which had wept normally is. Then, instantaneously, she turned into her statue. I have always been certain of the living presence of Our Lord and Our Lady, especially because, on the morning of July 1, 1995, the image of Jesus on the Crucifix turned into the live Jesus and shed Blood from His Seven Wounds, which, after turning into seven Sacred Hosts, came down to the altar before the Blessed Mother’s statue; and the Blessed Mother shed tears and tears of blood through her statue for a total of 700 days and also shed fragrant oil by squeezing all of herself for 700 consecutive days. However, today, for the first time, I saw the live Jesus entering His image on the Crucifix and the live Blessed Mother turning into her statue. I was totally fascinated by this and remained speechless, sitting on the floor. Praise and glory to the Lord! Alleluia!

Message on June 13, 2000

From about 7:30 a.m., I felt a strong longing to see the Blessed Mother in the Chapel. I tried to control it, but could not resist any longer.

When I went to the Chapel, there were a priest, who came as a pilgrim, and several helpers of the Blessed Mother praying together.

I gazed at Jesus on the Crucifix and thought that He looked so peaceful even on the Cross. While I was praying, a powerful light suddenly radiated from the Crucifix and made me fall to the floor. Soon I got up and heard the loving and yet dignified voice of Jesus, even though I could not see Him.


My beloved little soul! My children who have been called! I bestow the light of love and mercy upon you. Pray and again pray.

Even if your thoughts are imperfect, offer up your whole life to Me through My Mother as littler and littler persons. That is truly to turn life into prayers and offer yourselves up.

Even if it seems that darkness covers everything, follow My Mother entrusting everything to her with faith and confidence and having trust in her. Then, you will receive light from My burning Sacred Heart and gain Heaven. Also, the words of My Mother who said: "Through the prayers, sacrifices, and reparations by little souls, world peace will be accomplished," will surely be realized.

Who do you think mediated for the summit meeting between the South and the North in Korea? It was truly My Mother Mary. My Mother, who wishes that not even one among the children in the world be lost, mediated for this summit meeting between the South and the North and will guide it in order to completely cut the (barbed) wire that divides (the country) so that you, who grieve over the pains of a divided country, may be in harmony through reconciliation and agreement. Therefore, pray hurriedly. If you display the power of love and offer yourselves up completely through prayers, sacrifices and reparations, you will achieve victory over the devils of division who have been afflicting you and will see a new dawn. It is because that will truly be a shortcut to world peace.

As soon as Jesus finished speaking, I heard a loving, kind, and beautiful voice from the Blessed Mother’s statue which had wept.


My beloved children! Wake up hurriedly from sleep and pray with Me. Your prayers are urgently needed to make the one children of God, who have been scattered by the devil’s temptation, share love together. Satan, my enemy, thinks that my chosen daughter was in his way every time he was so close to victory in his works and about to cry out for joy and has attacked her violently and viciously to kill her, employing all the available methods and schemes. However, he has not succeeded because of my protection and your prayers. He is now even angrier, because reconciliation and harmony of one nation is about to take place through the summit meeting between the South and the North. He will try hard to lead the whole human race to ruin by means of schemes to promote dissension and hostility and by instigating the world to perpetrate offenses against God.

However, I will defend and protect you, who trust and follow me, from all dangers through my invisible presence in order to accomplish my plan. Nevertheless, because God has allowed free will to humans, there are people who are being controlled by and follow the devils, who try to eliminate love and promote dissension. That is why your prayers of deep love are needed.

My beloved children! My children who have been called because I love you extremely! With your help, I wish to build where Satan has destroyed, heal what Satan has injured, and achieve victory where Satan appears to have triumphed. Therefore, I want at least you, whom I have chosen, to abandon yourselves and offer up prayers of love of humble, little persons.

Because of the active efforts by the cunning devil, the world has lost its sense of moral values and is rushing toward senseless self-indulgence and great moral degradation. People are abandoning moral laws even to the extent that parents kill their children; children kill their parents; and a husband and a wife, who are to form unity, are falling into the devil’s temptations which lead them to the love that is exclusive of others (i.e. selfish love) through calculated selfishness and lack of understanding and, thus, cause families to break up.

Also, the cunning devil instigates sexual desires of male and female, old and young, seducing them to seek a moment’s pleasure, especially during the woman’s ovulation time. Pregnancies result and the little lives thus conceived are brutally murdered through abortion. Then, the devil makes a complacent smile of satisfaction and cries out for joy. Therefore, if the prayers of love, sacrifices, and reparations by you, who have been called as my true children, are combined, dissolved in my Immaculate Heart as total consecration, and offered up as a sacrificial offering of fervent reparation, they will also be freed from the influence of the enormously powerful devil.

Remembering that the time of purification can be advanced or delayed depending on your prayers of deep love, pray with the undefeatable weapon which I gave you (which is a special grace by which one may have a generous heart and may love all with the combined Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. See Our Lord’s message on June 30, 1995) so that it (the time of purification) may come sooner than later. Then, the world will be reformed through a chain reaction more powerful than a nuclear reaction.

(Translator’s Note: On June 12, 2000, one day before the opening of the summit meeting between the South and the North in Korea and also the third anniversary of the miraculous descent of the Eucharist during Bishop Paul Kim’s visit, Julia and others placed many scapular rosaries at the foot of the Blessed Mother’s statue and were praying. Suddenly, two drops of fragrant oil fell from above. The oil drops descended with some force making audible sounds as they landed on the altar before the Blessed Mother’s statue. Then, the two drops of fragrant oil merged into one on the altar, as though it were a sign that the South and the North in Korea would reach unity and harmony through the love from the Blessed Mother. In her message on April 8, 1993, the Blessed Mother said that the fragrant oil and the fragrance were her presence, love and friendship.

On November 26, 1989, the Blessed Mother mentioned that the barbed wire dividing the South and the North would be cut, if her words were accepted and prayers, sacrifices and reparations by little souls were offered. Also on October 31, 1996, when Fr. Stefano Gobbi was in Seoul, Korea, he received a locution from the Blessed Mother in which she predicted that unity and peace would come to the Church in Korea and to the country of Korea as special gifts from her Immaculate Heart. It also seems noteworthy that the summit meeting, which was originally scheduled to begin on June 12, was delayed by one day to begin on the thirteenth of the month, which is a day for commemorating the Blessed Mother’s apparitions in Fatima, where she predicted that a certain period of peace would be allowed to the world following the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.)

Message on June 18, 2000


My beloved daughter! Tell my children who have been called. This Mother, who wishes that not even one among the children in the world become lost, is consoled by your offerings filled with love and devotion as you try to turn your whole life including even the most trivial things into prayers according to this Mother’s wish.

This Mother, who shines light upon the road to Heaven as the Heavenly Prophetess, today offered up my beloved children whom I have called, on the altar of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is burning with love. Therefore, become awakened so that you may not fall into despair or discouragement, and try to live the life of resurrection.

My little souls who have been called! Even if you are feeble and weak, offer up yourselves completely and become dissolved in my Immaculate Heart so that you may be united with my love and become one. Thus, if you become one, as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one, respond to this Mother’s wish to end violence and terror, saying "Amen," and follow me, then Satan, who has been trying to conquer this world, will be defeated and run away and you will hold the victory banner of my burning Immaculate Heart and sing the glory of the Lord.

However, keeping in mind that, if you do not accept my words, I will be unable to help you, turn your life into prayers with a sublime heart and utmost devotion.

Message on November 2, 2000

While listening to the priest’s sermon during the 7:30 p.m. Mass at the Naju Parish Church, I saw a vision. Seeing that numerous people were shooting arrows of fire and throwing chestnut burs and rocks at Jesus nailed on the Cross, throwing all kinds of curses and insulting words at Him, I cried feeling much pain in my heart, thinking, “How can they so miserably despise and insult Our Lord, Who is our Savior?” I stretched out my arms to stop them, shouting, “No! No! . . .” but they did not listen but continued throwing rocks and chestnut burs. I was hit also.

With my arms still stretched out and crying, I turned around toward the Lord and prayed earnestly, “Lord, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing. Let them repent. I offer up these pains that I am suffering now for the conversion of sinners.” At that moment, a small number in the crowd, noticing my praying, put down rocks from their hands, paused, and were looking at Jesus. Then, I heard some whispering sounds from behind the people.

It was the devil, who said, “Let’s kill that spiteful woman without fail today, who interferes with our work, by striking her with this huge block of iron so that she may never come back to life again.” Immediately, a huge object hit me from behind on my head and neck. I had been attending Mass holding the hand of a woman who was sitting next to me. As I was about to scream loudly, Jesus on the Cross radiated light. Instantaneously, the devils ran away and the numerous people who had been insulting and ridiculing (the Lord) so viciously became quiet also. Then, Jesus began speaking with a kind, loving voice.


My beloved little soul! Thank you.

Because of the increasing offenses against God by the children in the world, God’s wrath has reached an extreme level and has been overflowing little by little. It is eventually becoming like spilt water (meaning an irreversible situation). Because of that, Satan is crying out for joy thinking that his work has reached the stage of success. However, (God) is delaying the cup of wrath because there are little souls like you.

That is because your turning your life into prayers, which you have been imploring (others to practice) and which is to totally offer up and turn into prayers everything from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, not neglecting even little and trivial things, becomes dissolved in My Sacred Heart and My Mother’s Immaculate Heart and becomes one (with Them); it pulls out the nails one after another which the children of the world have driven into Me by offending (Me); and it becomes prayers of consolation that wipe away My Mother Mary’s tears and tears of blood.

For this reason, Satan mobilizes all the available means to ceaselessly and ferociously attack to kill you, who are an apostle of My Sacred Heart and My Mother Mary’s Immaculate Heart as well as an apostle of the Eucharist, as they consider you as their enemy.

Therefore, become awake and pray more, bearing in mind that there is no time to be complacent, to pause, or to hesitate. When the cup of wrath comes down, many people will go the way of perdition because of all kinds of disasters that befall them suddenly and unexpectedly. However, all the children who seek Me through My Mother with their hearts widely open, even if they are the most evil sinners, will receive the grace of repentance. When they practice the messages of love, which are the key to the shortcut to Heaven, they will receive the cup of blessing instead of the cup of wrath; will live in joy, love and peace; and, on the last day, will possess the tree of eternal life which Adam and Eve lost.

My little soul! It is a pain greater than the pains of the suffering and death on the Cross to be scourged and crucified by the children, clergy, and religious who have been called. How many are the clergy, religious, and children who stand close to Me, Who is Love Itself, follow Me, and make Me known?

Ah, Ah! (I am) lonely and sad.

My Mother has earnestly asked that a tabernacle be installed (in the Chapel), but it has not been done. That is why I came to Naju, Korea, through the Eucharist, which is My personal and divine presence itself, according to My Mother’s will to have the Archangel Michael (bring the Eucharist to the Chapel in Naju).

I showed the change in (the species of) the Eucharist several times and also came down personally through the Eucharist several times in order to give the totality of My Love to many children who come seeking My Mother and to share that Love with them. Nevertheless, the Eucharist, which is My substance, has been ignored and rejected with theories and reasoning. Instead of helping (people) experience My Love and Presence and making it known, the Eucharist has been judged to be a host and has become isolated. What else can this be other than a second death (for Me)?

Now I wish to restore My position.

(I ask Fr. Spies.) Help Me. See to it that that the Eucharist, which is My substance, may give love to and receive love from all the children who come seeking My Mother, at My Mother’s side in Naju. If this is carried out hurriedly, it will become a great consolation to My Mother and Me and many souls will become vitalized.

All the children in the world who have been called! It is not too late yet. Hurriedly come to Me, Who is Love Itself and the merciful Redeemer, without any fear and holding the hands of My Mother, who is the shortcut for coming to Me.

Even most of the children who say that they make Me known and love Me are spiritually blind and deaf. They have become spiritually disabled, lost their sense of direction, become confused, lost their balance, fallen into chaos, and are wandering and walking on the road to hell. I feel extremely sad and painful in My Heart, as if it is becoming torn apart into pieces.

My little souls who have been chosen through My Mother! At least you, remembering that only My Mother can turn God’s wrath away from you, respond with “Amen” to My Mother’s messages of love which she has earnestly given you, personally revealing her presence, love, and friendship with her tears, tears of blood, and fragrant oil; and, with total faith and trust, help all the herds of sheep, which have lost their way and are wandering, come aboard the Mary’s Ark of Salvation which My Mother has prepared and help them arrive at the heavenly harbor.

While making Me and My Mother known, you will also be persecuted in this world, but, in the next world, you will receive the power and privilege to pick and eat the fruits of the tree of eternal life, be given a share, receive a shiny royal crown, and sing Alleluia at the side of Me and My Mother, together with the Saints, surrounded and guarded by the Angels, and enwrapped in glory.

Later that evening, those who were present examined me, while I was in severe suffering and unable to move myself. They saw much swelling on the back of my head and neck and also clear marks of bleeding. They saw some holes and bruises caused by something sharp like a drill.

While I was writing down the message, the devil attacked me suddenly. But I was able to finish writing down the message thanks to the Blessed Mother’s help. While I was writing down the message this time, the Lord guided me in a very special way.